Career Services Presentations
Career Services Presentations
Career Services presentations may be requested by NSU faculty and student groups, including Greek Life, NSU Athletics, and other student organizations. Career readiness topics are listed below. If you do not see the topic you are looking for, please select "Other" when filling out the appropriate Presentation Request Form.
Presentation Request Forms
Presentation Topics
Career Services Overview
Career Services provides assistance and resources to all NSU students and alumni. In this presentation, a staff member will visit your class and discuss how to connect with Career Services as well as provide a thorough overview of all that is currently offered.
Introduction to Handshake
Handshake is our NEW online Career Services platform. The goal of this presentation is to provide an overview and walk-through of the Handshake platform, instruct on how to activate an account with Career Services, and demonstrate how to use it.
Paper Impressions: A Guide to Resumes and Cover Letters
First impressions matter! The goal of this presentation is to provide students with up-to-date best practices associated with the development of professional documents, including resumes and cover letters. An overview of Optimal Resume may be provided if time allows.
I just can't get enough! Grad School: Deciding & Applying
Pursuing further education in the form of graduate school is a decision a large number of NSU students make. In this presentation, Career Services staff discusses methods for how to decide if grad school is the right choice, how to choose a graduate school, and how to apply.
It's time to buckle down and FOCUS... 2!
The FOCUS 2 assessment can be accessed via the Career Services website. In this presentation, a staff member will describe the benefits of the assessment, how to register for the assessment (free of charge), and how to get the most out of reviewing their results.
Don't blow this! Interviewing to Impress
Interviews can be nerve-wrecking. Interview prep and appropriate follow-up that will leave a top notch impression will be discussed in this presentation, as well as general do's and don'ts.
How LINKEDIN are you?
More than just an "online resume," LinkedIn is a powerful networking and professional development tool. In this presentation, Career Services staff demonstrates the ins and outs of maximizing a LinkedIn profile, connecting with professional groups and researching career opportunities.Beyond the Classroom: Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning covers the how to's of finding an experience, such as job shadowing or internships, as well as how to communicate the relevance of out-of-the-class learning experiences on a resume or in an interview.
Nice to meet you... Now what? A Guide to Networking and Professionalism
The goal of this presentation is to guide a discussion of networking: what it is and how it benefits aspiring professionals, as well as provide tips on etiquette for various professional settings.
Ready, set, SEARCH!
The job search can sometimes feel like, well, a job! In this presentation, a staff member will cover tips and strategies for a successful search, including: when to look, where to look, and what to do.