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NSU is committed to assisting students in applying and earning scholarships. Whether you are an incoming freshman or a continuing/returning student, NSU has a wide variety of scholarship options for students to choose from.

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American Indian: Medicine & Health Related Scholarships

Medicine and Health Related Fields

Listed below are scholarships and fellowships related to medicine and health related professions.

For science, math, engineering and computer science scholarships or environmental, natural resources, forestry and agriculture scholarships please follow the links below.

Science, Math, Engineering, and Computer Science Scholarships
Environmental, Natural Resources, Forestry and Agriculture Scholarships


Since 1969, the FNSNA has sought to promote the nursing profession through scholarship, leadership and development. Individuals and organizations with an interest in nursing education have established scholarships within the FNSNA. The FNSNA continues to expand its support for nursing education and the future of the nursing profession. Nursing students in an associate degree, baccalaureate, diploma, generic pre-licensure doctorate or generic pre-licensure master's degree; or enrolled in an RN to BSN completion, RN to MSN completion, or LPN/LVN to RN program; Matriculation means the student has applied to and has been admitted into a state approved nursing program. (Students in a 16-18 month accelerated program please contact the FNSNA for more details for eligibility) are eligible to apply for the undergraduate scholarships that we offer.

The FNSNA Undergraduate Scholarship Program is comprised of two separate but distinct scholarships:

  • General Scholarship Program
  • Promise of Nursing Program

FNSNA Scholarships:

The Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) is a global network of colleges, universities, faculty, individuals and organizations dedicated to the improvement of health and healthcare delivery through excellence in healthcare management and policy education. Its mission is to
foster excellence and drive innovation in health management and policy education, and promote the value of university-based management education for leadership roles in the health sector. AUPHA Sponsored Scholarships: Bachrach Family Scholarship for Excellence in Healthcare Administration This scholarship was established to create an endowed scholarship with the intent of creating a durable legacy to the education of students in areas and at institutions that contributed to the success of David and Linda Bachrach.

Corris Boyd Scholarship: The Corris Boyd Scholars Program was established in honor of a healthcare leader who dedicated his life to diversity and excellence in leadership especially among people of color.

David A. Winston Scholarship: Ten $10,000 scholarships are awarded to deserving students who demonstrate a commitment and potential to succeed in health policy following their graduation from a health administration/policy master's program.

Foster G. McGaw Scholarship: AUPHA full member programs select deserving students each year to receive scholarship funds towards their pursuit of a health administration education.
Upsilon Phi Delta Scholarship Program UPD chapters select several inductees to receive five hundred dollar scholarships to recognize and reward academic excellence.

As one of the most technologically superior forces in the world, America's Navy prioritizes education for its Sailors, offering to help pay for the cost. Navy offers a variety of educational assistance options, from scholarships to financial reimbursement, salary advances to sign-on bonuses. Explore opportunities in NROTC, undergraduate, graduate and professional programs to determine what's best for you, or chat with a recruiter to get the latest details.

For more info about the Health Services Collegiate Program, visit, and click on Specialized Programs.

Navy Education and Training Opportunities:

he AOA offers student members tools, resources and guides for obtaining financial aid, including optometry scholarships and grants.

For a comprehensive list of general and school-based scholarship and grant resources, visit

The American Respiratory Care Foundation may award up to $1,000 in memory of Jimmy A. Young, past president of the AARC, who personally contributed greatly to respiratory care education. The foundation prefers that nominations be made by a representative of the school or an accredited respiratory training program, however, any student may initiate a request for sponsorship in order that a deserving candidate is not denied the opportunity to compete simply because the school does not initiate the application. Preference will be given to nominees of minority origin. This award consists a certificate of
recognition, coach airfare, one night's lodging, and registration for AARC Congress.

Jimmy A. Young Memorial Scholarship

The IHS Scholarship Program provides qualified American Indian and Alaska Native health professions students an opportunity to establish an educational foundation for each stage of your pre-professional careers. If you envision a career with a true purpose and mission, Indian health programs are looking for people like you. If you are willing to commit to working in Indian health communities where you can truly make a difference, we encourage you to take the next step toward realizing your future. The scholarship program provides financial support in exchange for a minimum two-year service commitment within an Indian health program in your chosen health professional discipline.

The Indian Health Service (IHS) offers three scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students in order to educate and train health professionals to staff Indian health programs. We strive to develop our next generation of leaders, as well as help make the pursuit of a meaningful career in Indian health attainable for American Indian and Alaska Native students.

Preparatory Scholarship: Our Preparatory scholarship provides financial aid to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate students. Recipients must be members or descendants of federally recognized, state-recognized or terminated Tribes enrolled in preparatory courses or prerequisite courses leading to enrollment in an eligible health professions degree program.

Pre-Graduate Scholarship: Our Pre-Graduate scholarship provides financial aid to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate students. Recipients must be members or descendants of federally recognized, state-recognized or terminated Tribes enrolled in courses leading to a bachelor's degree in pre-medicine, pre-
dentistry, pre-podiatry and other subjects needed by the Indian health programs.

Health Professions Scholarship: Our Health Professions scholarship provides financial aid to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate- and graduate-level students. Recipients must be members of federally recognized Tribes and enrolled in an eligible health profession degree program. In exchange for financial aid, scholarship recipients agree to fulfill a service commitment in full-time clinical practice upon completion of their academic or post-graduate clinical training.

IHS Scholarship Program:

The A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Program is funded through a variety of sources, including memorials, individual donations, AISES fundraisers, and other corporate grants. This scholarship fund was established to memorialize A.T. Anderson, one of the AISES founders.

Applicants must be: an enrolled citizen or a decedent of an enrolled citizen of a federal or state recognized American Indian Tribe or Alaska Native Village; or Native Hawaiian or decedent from a Native Hawaiian; or Pacific Islander or decedent from Pacific Islander; or Indigenous person of Canada.

Enrollment documents and/or a copy of birth certificate(s) showing descendancy from an enrolled citizen, Indigenous group of Canada, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander are acceptable. Applicant may also, instead, provide a copy of their Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood or Certificate of Degree of
Alaska Native Blood (CDIB) card. Please note, AISES may not always have scholarships available for non-citizens of the United States.

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000 for the academic year for undergraduate students
  • $2,000 for the academic year for graduate students

A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship:

The American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF) is a 501(c)(3) charitable, scientific and educational organization founded in 1965. It serves the public interest by supporting occupational therapy research and increasing public understanding of the important relationship between everyday
activities (occupations) and health. It accomplishes its aims primarily through grants and scholarships, through programs, and through publications.
AOTF offers scholarships for full-time students currently enrolled in accredited or developing occupational therapy programs.

OKOTA Scholarship:

The Minority Scholarship Award recognizes physical therapy students currently in their final year of an accredited program, and faculty members who are pursuing post professional doctoral degrees for their professional character and academic excellence. These awards are sponsored by the Minority
Scholarship Fund and voluntary contributions.

PT Student Award: This is an annual award offered to minority physical therapist students by the Physical Therapy Fund.

PTA Student Award: This is an annual award offered to minority physical therapist assistant students by the Physical Therapy Fund.

APTA Minority Scholarship Award:

The IHS Loan Repayment Program (LRP) can help dedicated health professionals like you chart a course for a long-lasting and successful health care career. The LRP funds IHS clinicians to repay their eligible health profession education loans up to $40,000 in exchange for an initial two-year service
commitment to practice in health facilities serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

IHS Loan Repayment Program:

The goal of the Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study is to increase the diversity among scientists who are prepared to assume leadership roles in science, particularly as college and university faculty. The program provides awards to pairs of students and their dissertation advisers who are selected for their
scientific leadership and commitment to advance diversity and inclusion in the sciences.

HHMI's Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study are open to eligible pairs comprising thesis advisers and PhD students ( adviser-student pairs ). Application for the Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study is by invitation only.

  • Adviser-student pairs from eligible disciplines must be nominated by the HHMI-designated institutional representative.
  • Prospective fellows must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or other immigrants to the U.S., and be from racial, ethnic, or other groups recognized in the U.S. as underrepresented in the sciences, or Alumni of the HHMI EXROP, and be at the appropriate program stage of their PhD training.

Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study:

At the University of North Dakota, INPSYDE provides mental health services and mental health professionals for the underserved Native American populations across the Midwest.

The primary goals of the INPSYDE program are to:

  • Increase the number of American Indians with doctoral degrees in psychology.
  • Enhance the cross-cultural understanding and competence of non-Indians about Indian psychology.

INPSYDE Services: The INPSYDE Program provides services including academic assistance, financial assistance when possible, career preparation and support, personal support, and social/cultural support to Native American undergraduate and graduate students.

These services are available from INPSYDE or through cooperative agreements with other Native American support programs at UND. In addition, the INPSYDE office helps the department develop guidelines that will aid in the selection and retention of qualified Native American Students.

Indians into Psychology Doctoral Education:

The mission of the Physician Manpower Training Commissions is to enhance medical care in rural and underserved areas of the state by administering residency, internship and scholarship incentive programs that encourage medical and nursing personnel to practice in rural and underserved areas.
Further, PMTC is to upgrade the availability of health care services by increasing the number of practicing physicians, nurses and physician assistants in rural and underserved areas of Oklahoma.

PMTC provides financial assistance in three areas: Nurses, Physicians and Physician Assistants.

Nursing Student Assistance Program
Sponsored by the State of Oklahoma through PMTC the program provides assistance to Oklahoma nursing students pursuing LPN, ADN, BSN, or MSN and higher degrees and who are interested in practicing nursing in Oklahoma communities, with emphasis placed on rural communities for LPN
through MSN practicing nurses. Nurse Practitioners (MSN/DNP) must establish a rural practice. PMTC supports Oklahoma nurse training programs through this scholarship for MSN, DPN, and PhD participants.

Family Practice Resident Rural Scholarship Program
A loan forgiveness program for residents in an accredited Oklahoma Family Practice Residency Program. Each participating resident receives $1,000 per month with a month for month practice obligation in an underserved community upon completion of the residency program.

Physician/Community Match Program
A rural Oklahoma community may provide loan forgiveness funds, matched by PMTC, to any qualified primary care physician (FP, IM, Ped, OB, GS, ER) in establishing a full-time practice. The physician repays the loan by practicing medicine in that community.

Physician Assistant Scholarship Program
The scholarship offers loan forgiveness for physician assistant students in accredited Oklahoma Physician Assistant Programs. Participating students receive $1,000.00 per month with a month for month practice obligation in rural communities.

The program aims to assist Oklahoma's rural communities and provide financial assistance to physician
assistant students enrolled in an accredited physician assistant program.

Physician Manpower Training Commission:

The University of Arizona Graduate College offers a prestigious summer research opportunity focused on health issues that affect minority communities in a disproportionate manner.

MHD is one of five programs sponsored by the UA Graduate College and under the umbrella of Undergraduate Research Opportunity Consortium (UROC). The benefits common to all of these 5 programs are:

  • a research project
  • a faculty mentor
  • workshops / preparation for the graduate application process
  • social opportunities and a support network
  • financial support
  • annual research conference & closing ceremony

The Graduate Program offers the prestigious National Institute of Health Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Graduate Study Awards to outstanding underrepresented students who are admitted to one of the participating Ph.D. biomedical programs at the University of Arizona.


  • African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Hispanic, Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • U.S. citizens or permanent residents
  • Accepted into one of the participating University of Arizona Ph.D. programs

Initiative for Maximizing Student Development:

The Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program (PHIFP) provides on-the-job training for professionals to apply expertise in information science, computer science, and information technology to address current and future informatics needs. While working in CDC programs to enhance our agency's informatics workforce, fellows help state and local health departments and international public health agencies solve complex public health informatics challenges.
CDC Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program: