Safe Zone and LBGTQIA Resources
Safe Zone
Safe Zone, an educational program that will help educate campus and the larger community in order to create a safer, more civil community for all individuals, particularly those of Sexual and/ or gender minorities (ex. lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, etc.) By agreeing to become a Safe Zone ally, each participant agrees to undergo training and to serve as a resource for people seeking clarification on issues of sexuality and gender diversity.
Safe Zone and Diversity Resources Training Request
Training Topics
- Recognizing and dismantling Anti-Blackness
- Implicit bias training
- Cultural Awareness training
Stonewall Equality Alliance
The NSU Stonewall Equality Alliance is a student run organization that promotes educating
and advocating for the LGBT community on campus. We do this through many different
events such as drag shows, awareness tables, panels, and different fundraising events.
General meetings are weekly, Wednesdays at 7pm in the University Center Room 223.
Meetings are open to everyone, the more the merrier. Come join!