Gather Here. Go Far

With locations in Tahlequah, Muskogee and Broken Arrow, NSU is Oklahoma’s immersive learning institution. Choose from in-person, blended or online learning options.


NSU is committed to assisting students in applying and earning scholarships. Whether you are an incoming freshman or a continuing/returning student, NSU has a wide variety of scholarship options for students to choose from.

Clubs and Organizations

From networking to leadership opportunities, NSU’s over 80 clubs and organizations allow our students to build lasting relationships while getting the full college experience.

Transfer Students

Whether you’re an incoming or current transfer student, NSU’s transfer advisors are available to assist you with transcript evaluation, information on degree programs and support services. NSU is where You Belong.

Graduate College

Whether transitioning to graduate school or returning to higher education, NSU’s graduate college is your next step. Choose from over 25 master's degrees and several certificate programs.

Rookie Bridge Camp Lingo

RBC: Rookie Bridge Camp

Rookie: An incoming new student who attends RBC

Volunteer: A student donating his or her time to make a difference in your life

Color Group: Divided up groups to build one-on-one communication

Small Group: Group of six to eight rookies led by two volunteers

Smalls: Title of small group leaders

Skong: A mix of a skit and a song

Emeritus: An honor bestowed upon any volunteer who participated as a rookie and volunteered for three years at RBC

Directors: Student volunteers who plan camp sessions