NSU Fuel Cards
Gasoline Credit Cards
A multi-location fuel credit card is issued with the keys for each vehicle. Purchases may be made for fuel only. You must contact Motor Pool before planning any maintenance for a vehicle. The vehicle operator is responsible for the credit cards and departments may be charged for lost or willfully damaged cards.
Cash or Personal Credit Cards
Purchases by cash or personal credit cards may be reimbursed by submitting Travel Claim forms with appropriate receipts and required approval signatures. The Motor Pool is unable to reimburse expenditures directly.
The use of Motor Pool gasoline credit cards is limited to University vehicles or fueling vehicles leased from a vendor for use by University departments on official University business. No University fuel credit card may be used to purchase gasoline for privately owned vehicles.
Use of Cards
There is a packet located in the glove compartment of each Motor Pool fleet vehicle that explains how to use the fuel card at the pump and what locations are allowed for use. All information needed is explained in the packet. Please make sure to enter the odometer reading at the pump and write the vehicle # at the top of the receipt.