Inclement Weather Guide
To get the weather forecast in your area or where you are traveling to, you can go to Weather Bug or the Weather Channel to check it out. Always make sure that the weather is safe enough to drive to your destination and back. If you decide not to use a Motor Pool vehicle due to weather related issues, make sure to cancel your reservation immediately.
Campus Closings
If the University announces that the Tahlequah campus is closed due to inclement weather, the Motor Pool will not be open and all reservations for that time period will be automatically canceled with no charges. When the University announces re-opening, and you are still not planning on taking the vehicle that day (if you have a vehicle reserved), please make sure to call our office to let us know as soon as possible.
If the campus you are traveling to is closed with canceled classes and you are traveling to teach, your reservations will be automatically canceled with no charges. If you are traveling for any other purposes, please check all weather conditions in the area you are traveling to. If you need to cancel, please call the Motor Pool office as soon as possible.