Cabinet Meeting Notes March 4, 2014
Cabinet Meeting Notes March 4, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 | 9:00 a.m. | President's Office Conference Room Presidents
Cabinet was called to order by President Turner at 9:05 a.m.
Members present: Dr. Steve Turner, Ms. Patti Buhl, Dr. Laura Boren, Mr. David Koehn,
Mr. Ben Hardcastle, and Dr. Fly/Dr. Tom Jackson
Members not present: None
EPAF Discussion
Dr. Martha Albin joined the group for updates and discussions regarding the implementation of the Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) format and process. In a previous Cabinet meeting the group decided that it would be best to have all formats developed and finalized prior to implementation. According to Dr. Albin, the Termination and Employment formats are in the final set up stage. The Change of Status will be more involved and require more set up and testing time than the others. After a more in-depth discussion, the group determined that it would be beneficial to general users for implementation of the Termination and Employment form as soon as they are finalized. Training will be planned as soon as these formats are tested and instructions can be made available. Human Resources will coordinate training with IT staff and notify campus as soon as the training has been scheduled.
January 2014 Financial Statements
Mr. Koehn forwarded the January 2014 financial statement documents to Cabinet members prior to this meeting. He summarized the contents of this statement during this meeting to ensure all understood the contents. He stated that the university is on target with past years practices for expenditures. Currently travel expenditures are higher than typically seen at this point in the fiscal year.
Set Date For Budget Committee Meeting
Mr. Koehn discussed the need to set a Budget Committee meeting to begin looking at likely FY15 budget scenarios. All agreed that this is the time to begin discussions regarding needs for next fiscal year. Mr. Koehn will poll the group for the best meeting date/time before Spring Break.
Budget Request for Tulsa Market Research Project
Mr. Hardcastle informed the group that a qualifying proposal/RFP was received and a negotiated amount has been determined. It is now time to pull together a task force in order to set mutually agreed upon goals. Individuals selected for the task force will be notified soon and a meeting will be set prior to Spring Break. It is hoped that this research project will be finalized so that data received can be utilized for fall 2014 enrollment efforts. After discussions the group approved the project moving forward as planned.
NSU Football at BA
Mr. Hardcastle asked Mr. Tony Duckworth to be present at this portion of the meeting to discuss if NSU would move forward with discussions regarding a proposal for one football game to be played in Broken Arrow next year. After discussions, it was determined that more discussions were needed with Broken Arrow Public Schools and the City of Broken Arrow before moving forward with this proposal. Mr. Duckworth will notify BA Public School and city officials of NSU's decision.
OSRHE Economic Partnership Reception (March 11th)
President Turner informed the group of the upcoming OSRHE Economic Development Partnership Recognition Reception. This years organization receiving recognition as NSU's partner will be the Muskogee Foundation. Mr. Ben Hardcastle, Dr. Ron Cambiano, and Dr. Tim McElroy will attend the Recognition Reception along with Foundation officials on Tuesday, March 11th in Oklahoma City.
Student Housing-Construction/Renovation Needs
After a brief discussion it was decided that this item would be tabled until next Cabinet meeting. Mr. Koehn will facilitate a discussion to include Mr. Jon Asbill, Mr. Todd Enlow, and Ms. Patti Buhl. More information will follow as it is finalized.
College Reorganization Requests
Dr. Fly informed the group that the College of Education and the College of Business & Technology have submitted proposals for reorganization within each college. Dr. Fly provided information regarding the individual changes and the group agreed to move forward with the official notification at the April 2014 RUSO Board meeting. Once the requests have been passed through RUSO, they will then be forwarded to OSRHE for final approval.
Oklahoma Quality Examiner
President Turner previously requested the group to decide if NSU would submit names for inclusion for the Oklahoma Quality Examiner. After discussion, members of the group brought forth potential individuals to be included. Two-three names will be submitted to represent NSU.
President Turner reminded the group of the organization event regarding the Fit Foundation
15 Tons Initiative to be held on the Tahlequah campus on April 16, 2014. This initial
event is being planned as the official organizational activity of this initiative.
More information about this initiative will be distributed as it becomes available.
President Turner informed the group that he and Dr. Ron Cambiano will attend the Governor's
Economic Summit in Oklahoma City on March 26th.
President Turner reminded the group of the Centurion Luncheon scheduled for Thursday,
March 6, 2014 at 11:30 a.m. The cost to attend is $25.00 per person.
President Turner reminded the group of his trip to China beginning March 7th returning
on March 17th. He will sign several student agreements while in China. Ms. Stephanie
Goad and Mr. Li from the International Studies Program will travel as well for continued
recruitment purposes. While Dr. Turner is out of the country, Mr. David Koehn will
have emergency signature authority.
President Turner informed the group that Ms. Patti Buhl will coordinate Operations
efforts between March 1 and June 30, 2014. She will coordinate the daily functions
of the Operations Department.
President Turner reminded the group of the March 4th Provost Candidate Presentation
was rescheduled to Monday, March 24, 2014. The presentation will be at 3:30 p.m.
in the Webb Auditorium with a reception following.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Hutchins