Cabinet Meeting Notes April 29, 2014
Cabinet Meeting Notes April 29, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
9:00 a.m.
President's Office Conference Room
Cabinet was called to order by President Turner at 9:05 a.m. President Turner welcomed the group and reminded them of the PLC dinner tonight. He also informed them that the dinner has been moved to the UC due to inclement weather.
Members present were: Dr. Steve Turner, Mr. David Koehn, Dr. Pam Fly, Dr. Laura Boren, Mr. Ben Hardcastle, and Ms. Patti Buhl.
Members absent were: None
Enrollment Update: Dr. Boren updated the group on current enrollment numbers. While Head Count numbers are up by a few, Admission numbers are up to 1560 students. There are 829 pending admission applicants that have started the process. This represents a 5.34% increase over this same time last year. Freshman numbers are at 1,047 with 378 transfer students. Credit Hour numbers are currently at 42,945. Enrollment Management staff are taking measures to ensure students enroll before the end of the semester. Mr. Hardcastle reported that Communications and Marketing staff are working on post cards and media ads for a final June & July final push for enrollment.
Campus-Wide Committees: Dr. Fly discussed with the group the progress underway with committee assignments. The group discussed needs for 2014-15 committees. After discussions, it was determined that the Campus Parking and the Student Success Team committees will be slated to sunset at the end of the 2013-14 academic year. The Technology Committee will remain current with Mr. Kevin Taylor serving as Chair for 2014-15. The Black Heritage Committee will remain but will be evaluated during the 2014-15 academic year. A decision will be made whether to keep or sunset this committee by the end of the year.
Assembly Week (week before classes): Dr. Fly reported work being done in preparation for the week prior to the start of the fall semester. This discussion included conversations regarding post Disney, Quality Service Standards, and Strategic Planning. It was decided that Dr. Cari Keller will be asked to provide the group an update on the status of the Strategic Planning Group at the next Cabinet meeting.
Continuing Education/Fitness Center Partnership: Dr. Fly reported work being done between Continuing Education and the Fitness Center to develop a partnership. It is expected that this partnership will begin when the Fitness Center is reopened. After discussions regarding who are the patrons and possible rates, it was determined that this discussion would need to continue as the partnership develops.
Policy on Contracts Administration (Cont'd Discussions): Mr. Koehn continued discussions regarding what constitutes a contract. It was determined that a template would be developed that provided guidelines and limits on signature authority. Mr. Koehn reminded the group that all contracts/agreements must have legal review by General Counsel. Dr. Turner stated that the guidelines could not remove RUSO policy on what must be reported to the Board. Currently anything $25,000 and over must be reported with items $100,000 and above requiring Board approval. Dr. Turner asked the group to submit lists of items they fill they should have authority to sign. Discussions will resume with the development of the guideline document.
Pay for Student Workers: Mr. Hardcastle asked the group how student worker/assistant pay was determined. Mr. Koehn provided a historical analysis stating that typical positions are paid minimum wage but noted that some positions are paid above minimum wage based on level of work being performed. Patti asked what other schools were doing. Mr. Koehn will contact other schools and provide feedback to the group.
Capital Projects Savings Update: Ms. Buhl provided an update on capital projects performed in house and the cost savings these efforts have provided. Total savings to date are above $187,000. Mr. Koehn affirmed that these funds are restricted to projects and any savings are placed back in the general project budget for repurposing.
Faculty and Staff Development Programs: Dr. Turner discussed the need for yearly faculty and staff development programs. Dr. Fly reported plans for the next Community & Collaboration Day to be held just prior to the beginning of the fall semester. Dr. Turner explained that he hopes to offer a large staff development program, such as Disney, at least every other year. These large programs will be designed to enhance strategic goals.
Current Gun Bill - Guns on Campus (HJR 1026): President Turner provided the following specific information and update regarding the current Guns on Campus bill:
HJR 1026// Representative Dan Fisher and Senator Greg Treat//The joint resolution affirms that
it is the fundamental right of each individual citizen to keep and to bear arms. It
restricts the state from imposing laws on licensure, registration or special taxation
on the acquisition, ownership or possession of arms, ammunition, or the components
of arms or ammunition.
UPDATE: The legislation passed out of the Senate on April 23, 2014 with a vote of
37-6. The title is off the legislation.
President Turner reminded the group of efforts being made to finalize the Employee Recognition event that will be held in the UC Ballroom on Thursday, May 1 beginning at 4:30 p.m. He expressed that this event is intended for all faculty and staff of the university.
Mr. Hardcastle provided an update on the agenda for the New Student Housing Ground Breaking scheduled for Friday, May 2, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. located on the lawn area just E of Wyly Hall.
Mr. Hardcastle provided an update on progress being made regarding the Seminary Hall 125th Anniversary event. This event will be held on Wednesday, May 7th at 10:00 a.m. on the South lawn of Seminary Hall. Mr. Hardcastle noted the efforts of the committee to get everything set up and expressed his appreciation of Dr. Brad Agnew and the tremendous work he has done for this event.