Cabinet Meeting Notes May 27, 2014
Cabinet Meeting Notes May 27, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
9:00 a.m.
President's Office Conference Room
Cabinet was called to order by President Turner at 9:00 a.m.
Members present were: Dr. Steve Turner, Mr. David Koehn, Dr. Pam Fly, Dr. Laura Boren, Mr. Ben Hardcastle, and Ms. Patti Buhl.
Members absent were: None
Enrollment Report: Dr. Boren updated the group on fall enrollment numbers. Headcount numbers were reviewed with some showing deficits as compared to last year. It was noted that comparison dates were not exact resulting in some of the noted deficits. Dr. Boren highlighted progress made by departments resulting in a high number of students enrolling prior to the end of the spring semester. These numbers indicated that only 60 Freshman did not enroll prior to leaving. Dr. Boren reported that admitted student numbers are up by 7.5% while the current number of transfer admits are down 3.0%.
Proposed Holiday Schedule: Patti Buhl provided the group with a draft of the proposed 2014 Holiday schedule. After discussions, it was decided to modify the proposed dates for the Winter Holiday and the final schedule was approved. The final holiday schedule will be available for viewing on the Human Resources website in the near future.
Policy Changes: Patti Buhl provided the group with review copies of five policies that have been processed through the Policy Committee and ready for Cabinet approval. The policies were: Computer Acceptable Use Policy, Relationships/Gender Based Policy, Social Security Number Use Policy, Use of Copy Write Material Policy, and Special Needs (Self Identify ADA) Policy. Each policy was discussed individually. At the conclusion of each discussion regarding Computer Acceptable Use and Relationships/Gender Based it was decided to table discussions until each Cabinet member had a chance to provide feedback to the Policy Committee. The remaining three were approved. Patti provided the final copy of each for President Turner to sign.
Budget Update: Mr. Koehn gave an overall budget review to the group. He stated while margins are tight we are in good shape. Cabinet needs will be reconciled and actual budget numbers will be finalized this week. He reported that overall faculty and staff salaries were at 94.1% and 84.4% respectively compared to that of market studies. He also reported that the ability to provide salaries will be based on enrollment numbers.
Legislative Update: Dr. Turner reported that HB3211 (Oklahoma Promise Bill) did not come out of committee. He stated that it could be reviewed in the future.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Hutchins