Cabinet Meeting Notes June 24, 2014
Cabinet Meeting Notes June 24, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
9:00 a.m.
President's Office Conference Room
Cabinet was called to order by President Turner at 9:00 a.m.
Members present were: Dr. Steve Turner, Mr. David Koehn, Dr. Pam Fly, Mr. Ben Hardcastle, and Ms. Patti Buhl. Dr. Jerrid Freeman attended for Dr. Laura Boren
Members absent were: Dr. Laura Boren
Enrollment Update: Dr. Freeman updated the group on enrollment numbers. Overall enrollment numbers are currently showing a 1% increase over last year at this same time. There are more freshman enrollment sessions still to come that will add to these current numbers. It was also reported that the first-time, full-time pass rate is at 56.5%. There is no comparison data at this time.
Student Residential and Auxiliary Services Executive Director Search Committee: Dr. Jerrid Freeman reported the names of recommended committee members. The group discussed needs of this committee and approved the members as requested. Dr. Fly will submit an additional member to represent Academic Affairs.
Financial Aid Disbursement Dates: Dr. Freeman reported plans to undergo a pilot program that will change the disbursement dates regarding financial aid. The new program will allow funds to be posted to student accounts the week prior to the beginning of the semester. Refunds will be processed during the first week of the semester. The program will allow students to receive refunds sooner than in past semesters. The group discussed the proposal and all approved to move forward with the trial run for spring 2015.
Tulsa Prospective Student Research: Mr. Hardcastle updated the group on work being done on this research project. Public Relations & Marketing staff will receive results from preliminary work done by Schnake, Turnbow, & Frank later today. This project is going well and moving along as needed. More information will be made available as it is developed.
Digital Platform Position Update: Mr. Hardcastle reported that this position is moving along well. There was a good response to the position announcement.
Web Redesign: Mr. Hardcastle announced that this project will resume when the Digital Platform position is filled to allow the new hire to provide input.
Arapaho Phase Out: Mr. Hardcastle discussed the need to discontinue reliance on this outdated system. After discussions, it was determined that the next step is to announce a definite date of when this system will no longer be available. Needs will be assessed prior to the system be terminated. Dr. Fly will verify if classes need student space for class projects. Mr. Hardcastle will set up a meeting with Dr. Fly and Mr. Koehn to discuss needs.
Annual Presidents Report: Mr. Hardcastle announced that communication will be sent to college and department offices requesting stories to be included in the final report. One-to-two pages per college are being planned. It is estimated that the final report will be approximately 20 pages. The target completion date is September 2014. This project is being made available to assist with HLC reporting.
Digital Screens: Mr. Hardcastle reported updates coming soon regarding the digital flat screens around campus. Information displayed will focus on NSU events and activities.
Policy Changes: Ms. Buhl previously provided the group updated versions of two specific policies tabled from previous meetings. The Acceptable Computer Use policy was approved by all members. The second policy regarding Relationships/Gender Based policy was tabled until more information regarding verbiage from the RUSO policy is included. Patti Buhl will follow up with Dr. Boren and Amber Fite-Morgan to ensure the correct verbiage is included. This policy will be brought forward for approval at a later meeting.
Capital Project Update: Mr. Koehn reported that projects are moving forward as expected.
Willis Parking Lot
- Awaiting a break in the weather for next concrete pour
Seminary Hall
- Carpet underway/subfloor repair ongoing
- Cooling Tower complete
- Exterior LED lights-Installation underway
Bagley Hall
- Toilet Partitions-men's complete/women's flooring complete/partitions underway
Muskogee Admin
- Chiller complete/Boiler delivered awaiting install
Webb Auditorium
- Heat pumps-East side complete/West to begin this week
Bath House
- Remodel-Demo complete/Paint to begin this week
Haskell Hall
- Restroom Remodel-Men's design complete/Bid late summer
OT Phase II
- Remodel-project ongoing/Expected to be complete by August 1st
Fitness Center
- New Build-Steel onsite/pool steel fix ongoing/footings ongoing (weather)
South Leoser
- Parking lot lights-lights onsite
- Steam Valves-awaiting competitive shop process
- System Remodel- awaiting architect contracts/final bid documents
Center for Performing Arts
- Sound Shell-Install w/o September 8th
- East Courtyard-completing final construction documents
- Lawn-Faculty Memorial-completing design and budget
New Student Housing
- Awaiting architect contracts/final bid documents
Wyly Hall
- Awaiting architect contracts/final bid documents
Wilson Hall
- Phase I Remodel-Architect selection committee to meet 6/27/14
- New Shop-Utility relocates underway
BA Greenhouse
- Greenhouse ordered/civil bid package in final development
- New Ticket Booth-Design phase
Fine Arts
- HVAC Remodel-PO issued to Lee & Brown mechanical engineers for system review
BA Admin
- Carpet Replacement-Awaiting final contract approval and PO
Special Services
- New Bridge-Working on final design
Campus Lighting
- LED Upgrades-8 pallets of 2 X4 LED fixtures installing throughout campus
Admin Elevator
- Bids to be opened 6/26/14
Parking Lots
- New Stripping-Received paint 6/20/14
Seminary Suites
- Building A Roof-Bid development phase
Opening Meeting: President Turner began discussions regarding needs for the Opening Meeting scheduled for August 12th. Discussions will continue through next few weeks and Cabinet members were asked to begin constructing agenda items.
Provost Needs: President Turner reminded the group that Dr. Arant will join the group on July 1 and thanked Dr. Fly for her efforts as Acting Vice President throughout the search process. He asked if there were any current known needs. Dr. Fly reported repainting of offices and new furniture ordered.
RUSO Board Meeting Update: President Turner reported a successful NSU session. The Board approved the budget request, all recommendations, and committee and curriculum change requests. He stated that the approval and level of confidence speaks volumes of the work being done. Dr. Turner handed out two documents provided by RUSO reflecting comparisons between RUSO institutions regarding Undergraduate/Graduate Tuition and Mandatory Fees as well as State Appropriation Allocations.
President Turner announced that he and the Foundation have been working since January to conduct a feasibility study. J.F. Smith Group was selected to work with the Foundation on the next campaign. It is estimated that this work will be completed in next five months and faculty and staff may be contacted.
President Turner announced that with Dr. Phyllis Fife retiring, Alisa Douglas will act as interim director. The position will be advertised in early July and it is expected that a new director will be hired by October 2014.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Hutchins