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Cabinet Meeting Notes July 8, 2014

Cabinet Meeting Notes July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014
9:15 a.m.
President's Office Conference Room

Cabinet was called to order by President Turner at 9:15 a.m. President Turner welcomed the group and explained the purpose of inviting Stephanie Goad to provide an International Program update.

Members present were:Dr. Steve Turner, Mr. David Koehn, Dr. Mark Arant, and Mr. Ben Hardcastle

Members absent were:Dr. Laura Boren

International Program Update:Ms. Stephanie Goad provided and update on efforts related to enrollment and retention for international students. Highlights from this update included status of the program as of July 2013, where we are now, what has been done, 2014-15 goals, long-term (D23) goals, and other initiatives as outlined below. It was noted during this discussion that there is currently no online application process for international students. Mr. Koehn will inquire about this process and report back to the group.

Where we were July 2013:

  • No files (electronic or hard copy)
  • No health insurance for international students
  • No centralization of faculty-led group trips abroad
  • No enrollment reports or any other tracking reports
  • No international student organization
  • No activities specifically for international students
  • No real international student orientation (only 2 hours long)

Where we are:

  • Rather than the 260 students as was initially told, there were only approximately 150 students for the Fall 2013 semester.
  • There were 13 for spring 2014.
  • NSU graduated 43 international students in the past year (2 in summer 2013, 10 in fall 2013, 22 in spring 2014 and 9 for summer 2014 (walked in May).
  • Fewer transfers compared to past semesters. Many current students are recruiting friends and relatives and 3 international students who transferred out are returning

What we have done:

  • Set up health insurance for international students and study abroad (first order of business)
  • Implemented a robust one-week orientation to set students up with a successful start.
  • Streamlined faculty-led group trips (all trips now go through International Programs. Also held the first Study Abroad Fair)
  • Started the International Student Organization (International RiverHawks)
  • Worked with IT to set up a report to track foreign enrollment.
  • Planned many international student activities and programs (retention)


  • Buddy Program and Friendship Family Program
  • Carrying international flags in the Home Coming Parade
  • Trip to the State Capitol for the Governor's International Student Awareness Day
  • Set up a non-denominational prayer/meditation room
  • Soccer challenge between NSU and TCC internationals
  • World Cup viewing party (for those who stayed during summer)
  • International graduate convocation ceremony

Main Goals for 2014-2015:

  • Increase foreign enrollment by 10 percent through:
  • Articulation agreements with partner universities
  • Working with agents
  • Setting up agreements with government agencies for more sponsored students
  • Recruiting fairs
  • Armchair recruiting (Facebook, Twitter, email, web site, etc.)
  • Retention of current students (some end up recruiting for us)
  • Set up reports to track retention, new admits, etc. (working on this)
  • Continue to improve international student services and provide activities to build a social community for internationals and increase retention rates
  • Work with IT/Admissions, etc., to get the application and application fee payment online
  • Get application process auto populated into Banner, just as it is for domestic applications
  • Strategize to be able to offer scholarships to attract more international students

Longer-Term Goals (D-23 Plan):

  • Increase foreign enrollment by 10 percent for first three years
  • Increase foreign enrollment by 15 percent for each subsequent year to reach the D-23 goal of 400 to 500 students.

Other Initiatives:

  • Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) agreement established to receive more ESL students (government- sponsored students)
  • Vietnam and Taiwan trip (working on three agreements in Vietnam) and signed with an agent in Taiwan (in conjunction with Chung Hua, a partner university- working on course-by-course articulation agreement)
  • China trip (March 23), received an application from one student and signed four agreements with partner universities besides agreements with two Chinese agents. Working on 2+2 and 3+1 agreements.
  • Scholar program in China is growing
  • UAE trip (1 student arriving in July, 1 more admitted for fall and another in process, so possibly 3 for fall).
  • Working with the UAE Ministry of Higher Education to get NSU on the list of approved schools for government-sponsored students.
  • Building a Chinese Scholar Program. Received six Chinese scholars over the past year and have sent two NSU faculty to China.

Draft Process for Cabinet Member Signature on Routine Contracts/Agreements/Consulting Services, etc.: Dr. Turner provided the group with draft guideline and form documents regarding a new process for Cabinet member signature authority. He asked the members to review the documents, provide feedback. This process will be discussed further in future meetings until finalized.

Campus-Wide Push for Recruitment/Retention: Dr. Turner reminded members to ensure their departments/divisions are doing everything needed to increase enrollment. Faculty and Staff are the champions for our efforts. Staff should be empowered to continue the I care, there for I will culture.

Performance Evaluation Process: Dr. Turner reminded the group that 2014 performance evaluations are due by October 1. He emphasized the importance of fair and honest appraisals and to work with faculty/staff if improvement plans are needed.

July RUSO Board Items: Dr. Turner discussed the items being submitted to RUSO for consideration at the July Board meeting. This meeting will be held on the NSU-Tahlequah campus on July 24 & 25. Items included in the President's Recommendations include Personnel Addition/Changes, Purchases, Grants & Contracts Received, Fund Transfers as well as Building Committee items to include Parking Lot Improvements, Repairs and Renovations to Campus Buildings, and Change Orders related to current projects already underway.

Opening Meeting: Dr. Turner asked the group if they had any needs for preparing for the August 12th Fall Opening Meeting. Those in attendance stated that they were preparing for their portion of the meeting and had no needs at this time.

Discussion of Possible Staff Development Day: Dr. Turner began discussions regarding a possible day for staff development. After discussing possible opportunities, it was decided to plan for a day in late October to allow for the planning of a speaker, agenda, and possible topics. The group decided that two half day sessions will be offered (a.m. and p.m.) to allow all staff an opportunity to participate while covering the needs of offices. While the focus will be placed on Customer Service (student/co-worker centered) other possible topics of training may include Strategic Plan, Enrollment Management, Risk Management, and Title IX. Cabinet members were asked to provide potential speakers and potential dates in late October at the next meeting. Information will be provided as plans are developed.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Robin Hutchins