Cabinet Meeting Notes September 16, 2014
Cabinet Meeting Minutes September 16, 2014
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
9:00 a.m.
President's Office Conference Room
Cabinet was called to order by President Turner at 9:00 a.m. He welcomed the group and handed each member a review copy of the Collegial Governance Policy. Members were asked to review the document and be prepared to discuss at next weeks Executive Council Meeting.
Members present were: Dr. Steve Turner, Dr. Mark Arant, Mr. David Koehn, and Mr. Ben
Members absent were: Dr. Laura Boren
Recruitment Advertising Campaign: Mr. Hardcastle updated the group on activities regarding advertising efforts related to recruitment. Activities include internet marketing mechanisms as well as digital advertising. The group discussed how these activities might impact enrollment and the timing of when they will be utilized.
Council on Instruction Update: Dr. Arant reported information received at a recent meeting of Provosts from regional universities. Enrollment/Credit Hour Production, NCTQ, and Guns on Campus were among the topics discussed.
Capital Projects Update: Mr. Koehn updated the group on projects. The Event Center is complete. The Bath House is almost complete and Financial Aid will move soon. The Fitness Center is progressing well and should be completed as planned. An opening event will be planned for the Willis Lot as soon as the neon sign, decorative poles and call boxes are installed. All are on order. The Shell and new entrance doors have been installed in the Center for Performing Arts. Caulking, refrigeration, boilers, and freezers will be replaced in the University Center as a utilities cost savings upgrade. Work continues on the John Vaughan Library as part of its upgrade. Carpet is being replaced in the Administration area at the Broken Arrow campus. The Administration Building elevator will be rebid.
Veteran's Day: President Turner asked members about planned activities. A committee to design a Veteran's memorial was discussed. Mr. Hardcastle stated that Communications and Marketing will inquire about activities and report to the group.
RUSO Board Items: President Turner reviewed all items going before the Board for approval in September.
Brown Bag Events: Members discussed successes of each event. President Turner was pleased with the turnout at all three campuses. Dr. Arant reported that faculty was appreciative of the information provided. It was determined that this type of informative event would be beneficial at the beginning of each semester.
Stipend Discussions: The group discussed appropriate criteria for determining the hire date breakdown of how stipends will be paid. More detailed information will be announced by Human Resources in the coming weeks.
Commencement Speaker: The group discussed possible speakers for commencement. President Turner asked Cabinet members to think about who should be selected. Discussions will continue at a later date.
Open Records Requests (Designee): President Turner discussed the need to determine who should be the contact when these requests are made. It was determined that Amber Fite-Morgan will continue to be the primary contact and Ben Hardcastle will be the secondary.
Miscellaneous Handouts: President Tuner provided copies of two documents. One contained information pertaining to changes in tuition and unemployment rates by state. The second is a report on how Oklahoma ranked in overall economic performance between 2003 and 2013.
OSRHE Regents Education Program President Turner, Dr. Arant, and Dr. Boren will attend this year's program on September 25th in Oklahoma City.
Campus Safety and Security Summit President Turner informed the group of the upcoming Safety and Security Summit to be held in Midwest City on October 29th.
Higher Ed Day at the Capital President Turner informed the group that the next Higher Ed Day will be held on February 10, 2015.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Hutchins