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April 7, 2015 Cabinet Meeting Notes

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
9:00 a.m.
President's Office Conference Room

Cabinet was called to order by President Turner at 9:15 a.m. President Turner welcomed the group.

Members present were: Dr. Steve Turner, Dr. Mark Arant, Mr. David Koehn, Dr. Laura Boren, and Mr. Ben Hardcastle

Members absent were: None

Fund Deficit Policy

Mr. Koehn continued discussions regarding the Budget Deficit Policy Draft that was handed out to Cabinet members at the last meeting. He re-emphasized the purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for ensuring non-Education & General funds do not go over budget. Members requested additional language be added within the document to provide a mechanism for the respective Cabinet member to receive earlier notification, upon request, if/when budgets are in a deficit. Mr. Koehn will make the necessary changes and bring back at next meeting for final review/approval.

Capital Projects Update

Mr. Koehn updated the group on projects. Wilson Hall-Meetings with architects are progressing to determine appropriate use of the facility when the renovation if finalized. President Turner reminded the group that the Master Plan indicated the best fit for Wilson Hall would be for academic services. Mr. Koehn will schedule a meeting with the architects for validation of work being planned. Fine Arts-Current HVAC issues are being reviewed. University Center-Boilers are being installed today. The Fitness Center is progressing well and should be completed as planned. Furniture has been ordered and HVAC will be set within two weeks. Wyly Hall-Bid packages are ready to be sent out. Special Services Bridge-Surveying will be completed next week. The Corp of Engineers signed off in support of the project. Upgrades on the Playhouse are still within budget and progressing as planned.

Temporary Cash Advances for Travel

Mr. Koehn provided the group with a draft copy of the proposed changes to the Temporary Cash Advance Policy. The group discussed current practices and the need for the policy to be updated. Members are to review and provide feedback prior to the next meeting.

Discussion of Departmental Budget Submissions

Mr. Koehn provided the group a budget handout indicating scenarios of either a flat or cut budget for FY16. President Turner updated the group on likely scenarios to be prepared for. The group discussed the potential for cuts and will meet on May 15th to determine needs.

Google Vault Email Storage

Mr. Koehn reported that the university has previously had limited email storage capabilities due to the number of users and cost. Because we now have 10,000 users, we qualify for expanded storage capabilities at no cost with Google.

Web Redesign Update

Mr. Hardcastle reported the current work being done on the web redesign is going as planned. An audit of needs provided good feedback. The new web site should be up by fall 2015. Notifications will be made when appropriate to keep everyone up-to-date on the rollout.

NSU Playhouse LED Billboard

Mr. Hardcastle reported that a new LED billboard will be installed by the end of FY15. The 16 millimeter display will provide more detail than the current one in front of the UC. There will be a mechanism in place for requests. More information will be made available as the process is finalized.

Graphic Standards Policy Approval

Mr. Hardcastle provided the group an updated draft of the current policy. The group discussed current practices as well as requested updates to the policy. It was decided that more information, as well as a clearer definition of the intentions, is needed before changes can be approved. Mr. Hardcastle will research definitions from 2009 for clarification. Discussions will continue as information is provided.

Title IX Update

Dr. Boren reviewed work that has been done to prepare for compliance of the training requirements for Title IX. A program has been set up for all faculty/staff and students to complete the required training module. Rollout of the program will be released soon and will have a deadline for completion. Information will be provided between the rollout and the deadline to assistance with this compliance piece.

Oklahoma Standard

Dr. Boren provided the group with information regarding the upcoming events associated with the Oklahoma Standard. Several events will take place on the Tahlequah and BA campuses throughout April to show NSU support of the 20th Anniversary of the OKC Bombing. Everyone is invited to attend as many events as possible.

Green & White Weekend

Dr. Boren handed out information regarding events taking place during Green & White Weekend (April 9-11). These events are a fantastic opportunity for students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and community members to come together to recognize academic excellence, spotlight athletics, make memories and have fun.

Enrollment Update

Dr. Boren provided an enrollment update to the group. Admissions are up 5.62% as compared to 2014. Application numbers are slightly up (0.24%) at this stage. Enrollment reports will begin to be sent out soon from the Registrar's office. Freshman/Sophomores begin enrolling this week. The UC Advising Center is following up with current students in an attempt to get them enrolled prior to the end of this current semester. Dr. Arant will work with the academic areas to push for students to enroll prior to leaving campus in May.

Faculty Handbook Revisions

Dr. Arant reported the important work being done to update the current Faculty Handbook. It is hoped that revisions will be completed soon.

China Update

Dr. Arant reported to the group that his recent trip to China was productive. He reported that six students signed up his first day at the China Expo. He also reported that NSU currently has 150 international students. There is $25,000 from the Foundation identified for scholarships. He is excited to see how our current European connections are coming along.

HLC Update

Dr. Arant reported that NSU has submitted the required report. Initial comments were very positive and reported that NSU is doing very well with the Persistence and Completion program.

Concurrent Enrollment-Coweta

Dr. Arant reported a very positive and progressive meeting with Coweta Public Schools of efforts related to concurrent enrollment. There is a lot of NSU support within the school and the students are very talented. He reported that in the fall 2015 semester NSU will offer Music Appreciation and History II courses with Algebra and either Political Science or History I being offered in the spring 2016 semester. He reported that he will be meeting with Locust Grove Public School very soon.

Reflections of Brown Bag/Snack Chat Events

The group discussed the success of each event. There was very good attendance at each event with positive feedback from all.

VP for Administration & Finance Screening Committee

President Turner updated the group on work being done for the upcoming search to replace Mr. Koehn. He provided the group with the list of screening committee members. Advertisements have gone out and applications will be taken until the position is filled. It is expected to be finalized by or before July 1.

RUSO April Board Items

President Turner reviewed all items going before the Board for approval in April.


President Turner reminded the group of the upcoming Employee Recognition Program that will be held on Thursday, April 30, 2015 in the University Center Ballroom. The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. with the program beginning at 5:15 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Robin Hutchins