August 12, 2015 Cabinet Meeting Notes
Tuesday, August 12, 2015
2:00 p.m.
President's Office Conference Room
Cabinet was called to order by President Turner at 2:00 p.m. President Turner welcomed the group
Members present were: Dr. Steve Turner, Dr. Mark Arant, Mr. Ben Hardcastle, Dr. Jerrid Freeman, and Dr. Aaron Christopher
Members absent were: None
Black Walnut Tree by Seminary Hall
Mr. Hardcastle suggested sending out a notification regarding the removal of the iconic Black Walnut tree in front of Seminary Hall. The tree is estimated to be more than 125 years old. After discussing the appropriate message, all members approved moving forward to notify campus in the next RiverHawk Weekly publication.
Policy Change (NSU Graphic Standards)
Mr. Hardcastle gave a historical account of discussions in order to bring Dr. Christopher up-to-date on the change request. The purpose of the proposed changes is to make them more flexible than in the past. He pointed out specific language in regards to use of the Athletic and Spirit logo. Dr. Turner asked Mr. Hardcastle to report on reactions of focus groups. Mr. Hardcastle reported that some focus group members did not approve of the complimentary color scheme. At the conclusion of discussions, all members of the group approved to move forward. President Turner signed the Policy Routing Form to be returned to the Policy Committee for processing.
Forgiveness Monument
Mr. Hardcastle reminded the group of previous discussions regarding the donation of the monument to NSU. It has been decided that it will be permanently housed in an appropriate location on Beta Field. This monument was temporarily placed on NSU's campus in 2001-02 by the artist and has been traveling around the country making its way back to North Carolina. It will soon be delivered to the Tahlequah campus. NSU files revealed a letter of request from former President Larry Williams for the monument to make its way back to NSU in the future. This request is coming to fruition as the monument is being donated to NSU and will be permanently displayed on the grounds at Beta Field.
Cabinet Calendar (Cont'd Discussions)
Mr. Hardcastle continued discussions regarding the need for a shared Cabinet Calendar to house important deadlines and dates to assist them. President Turner asked what types of events would be placed on it and who would manage it. Mr. Hardcastle reported that Robin Hutchins would manage the calendar with his assistance. After each member had a chance to ask more questions, it was decided to table the idea until a future meeting.
Enrollment Update
Dr. Freeman did not have a current comparison enrollment summary. The group discussed the need for a daily report to assist in decisions that need to be made. Dr. Freeman reported that there will be two additional enrollment sessions for students. Dr. Freeman reported that we may be seeing a new trend of students enrolling earlier than in past enrollments sessions. The group discussed activities that would affect the yield rate. Dr. Freeman reported that in the past two years, we have made tremendous strides in touch points to help bring people to Student Financial Services for assistance. Dr. Freeman reported that he will have brain storming sessions with Communications and Marketing regarding future marketing needs.
Financial Aid Disbursement Date for Fall 2015
Dr. Freeman reported that the requested Hold placement in the approved plan could cause hardship on staff when trying to ensure student accounts were correct at any given time. More discussions need to take place at the department level before moving forward with this plan. More information will be forthcoming as available.
Reflections on Opening Meeting
All members reported a very successful opening meeting for the fall 2015 semester. Each member's report was very positive. President Turner asked each member to go back to their areas with positive comments on a very productive and well attended meeting.
Title IX (#'s and Plan)
President Turner reminded all Cabinet members to complete their training if they had not and to have a contingency plan in case any members in their areas did not complete it by the September 15th deadline. This training is mandatory for all faculty/staff/students of NSU. There are no exceptions. This is a requirement to continue to receive federal funding.
American Association of Hispanics in Higher Ed (AAHHE) Request for university membership
President Turner asked the group if anyone had any background on the group. Dr. Arant requested to take the information to the Spanish Department for feedback. More on this topic as it develops.
Yik Yak Article
President Turner brought the article to each member's attention. A copy of the article as hand delivered late last week.
No announcements.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Hutchins