Cabinet Meeting Notes, May 4, 2021
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
9:00 a.m.
Members in Attendance: Steve Turner, Debbie Landry, Jerrid Freeman, Christy Landsaw, Dan Mabery,
Members Absent: None
The meeting began at 9:00 a.m.
President Turner welcomed the group.
New Testimonials Release
VP Mabery updated the group on the AASCU videos that are being produced to showcase
NSU during the next meeting. There are nine new testimonials being completed. They
are in the process of being closed captioned and reviewed for errors at this time.
The reach is estimated to be 300 million per month with 88 million $ worth of marketing.
This project is a great value.
NSU Playhouse Project Update
VP Mabery reported that he has been working with Mike Brown on the concept. The current
concept is more cost effective, and we will be able to achieve the neon look that
is desired. There is a lot of variation utilizing LED. The LED product was suggested
for its ease of maintenance
HEERF II Suggestions
VP Landsaw reported they have a list of projects to consider for use of the HEERF
II funds. Reps from Facilities, Auxiliary, and IT considered suggestions. The items
suggested were discussed and prioritized. The group decided the best course of action
would be to upgrade Wi-Fi and switch Leoser’s HVAC to a four-pipe system. VP Landsaw
will obtain costs and send out the RFI’s.
A/R Student Dollars from HEERF
VP Landsaw reported that the HEERF funds have applied to accounts
SH Admin Remodel Update
VP Landsaw reported that designs are complete. Bids should go out this week. She
then handed out visuals of the Outdoor Basketball Court, Retaining Wall Project, Library,
and the Greenhouse plans. She reported that the Greenhouse project is coming along
very well. All members were excited.
VP Freeman reported that our summer 2021 enrollment was down by 6.4% as compared to
last summer at this same time. Fall is currently showing a +3% in Head Count and
a -.2 in Credit Hour numbers. Grads are up at 35% in Credit Hour, but Transfers are
down by 2% HC, 4% CH.
Library May 10, 11, 12
Provost Landry informed the group that the electricity in the library will be shut
down on May 10, 11, & 12. Most of the staff will work remotely.
Disc Golf Course and Team Update
VP Freeman reported that the Disc Golf Course pads and backets have been installed.
Groups are already playing. Designs for the signs are coming in and should be completed
and up in one month. It was noted that we do have a team ready to play in the fall
Next Year Recruitment Events
VP Freeman handed out a schedule of recruitment events for the upcoming year. The
number of events has been increased to improve our recruitment efforts.
Budget Planning Meeting Date
President Turner informed the group that the Budget Oversight Planning Committee will
be meeting on May 21st.
Recap COVID Travel Protocols
President Turner recapped the travel protocols this far. He is requesting each cabinet
member provide a memo of support that includes how the travel fits within the essential
travel guidelines. He will then provide a memo either approving or denying the request.
Concurrent Enrollment Policy
President Turner apprised the group on the updated boundaries and reimbursement rates
vs. high school rates. The group discussed jurisdiction, function, branch campuses,
and how NSU can manage needs.
SH & Veterans Plaza Update
President Turner updated the group on ongoing work being done on SH. He added that
the restoration portion of the project that is being funding by Cherokee Nation did
not include new windows. We have received emergency approval from RUSO to move forward
as needed. President Turner also updated the group on the Veterans Plaza funding.
He stated that the monument funding is complete, and we are still working on the
plaza funding.
Governor’s Executive Order
President Turner reported that the Governor’s Executive Order will expire on May 3,
2021. He asked the members to be thinking about how NSU will proceed. The group
will discuss in the COVID Cabinet meeting to follow this meeting.
-Commencement – Friday, May 7/Saturday, May 8 (TQ) & Monday, May 10 (BA)
-VIP Commencement Dinner and Lunch - Friday, May 7th – 5:00 p.m. - Saturday, May 8th
– 11:30 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Notes submitted by Robin Hutchins