Cabinet Meeting Notes, June 22, 2021
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
9:30 a.m.
Members in Attendance: Steve Turner, Debbie Landry, Jerrid Freeman, Christy Landsaw, and Dan Mabery
Members Absent: none
The meeting began at 9:30 a.m.
President Turner welcomed the group.
VP Freeman mentioned activities that took place in the area for Juneteenth. The group
discussed future activity needs at NSU.
Recruitment/Melt Reduction Postcards
VP Freeman shared the list of faculty and staff that participated in the Postcard
program. He gave a huge Thank You to all for their efforts and celebrated a successful
outcome. He also mentioned that volunteers are needed for call night. All members
stated that they would help.
VP Freeman and Provost Landry reported that our Credit Hours are down .8%, but that
Head Count numbers are at a positive 1% at this time.
VP Landsaw presented information on the recent bill signed by the Governor. She will
make recommended changes and email a final review copy before it goes out.
Project Updates
VP Landsaw updated the group on all capital projects underway. All are moving along
as expected.
La Semana
VP Mabery informed the group of a Tulsa area paper that NSU will begin marketing efforts
with. Ads will be placed to market NSU to the Spanish populations. We will also reach
out to the NW Arkansas area as well. VP Mabery also reported work being done with
VIPE Magazine.
AASCU Summer Council of Presidents Meeting – June 29th & 30th Virtual
President Turner informed the group that he will be involved in the AASCU Summer Council
of Presidents Virtual meeting at the end of the month.
RUSO Budget Presentation
President Turner reported to the group that NSU’s budget meeting at RUSO went well.
Fall Opening Meeting – Tuesday, August 17th – 8:30 a.m. – CPA
The group discussed the topics to be covered and who would cover each topic. It was
noted that there would not be a zoom option but that it would be recorded and placed
on the website for those that could not attend to view.
-OSRHE Budget Presentation – Wednesday, June 23, 2021 – in OK City
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Notes submitted by Robin Hutchins