Cabinet Meeting Notes, July 13, 2021
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
9:00 a.m.
Members in Attendance: Steve Turner, Debbie Landry, Jerrid Freeman, and Christy Landsaw
Members Absent: Dan Mabery
The meeting began at 9:00 a.m.
Capital Updates
VP Landsaw reported that projects continue as planned. Discussions regarding Seminary
Hall copper, windows, and clock tower work is ongoing. She reported that Wilson Hall
work is going well.
Enrollment Update
Provost Landry and VP Freeman reported the CH is still down at -2.3% with HC up at
+.1%. Admit numbers are flat with new freshmen numbers up currently.
OSHRE Policy Workshop – July 15
Provost Landry reported that Academic Affairs will work through the full day of sessions.
The workshop will go from 9:00-4:00 and the OSRHE Policy Manual will be the focus.
Optometry Special Recognition
Provost Landry reported that the Oklahoma College of Optometry will receive a special
recognition from the AOA. NSU’s Optometry is the only college of optometry to ever
receive this recognition.
President Turner recapped numbers in Tahlequah, Cherokee County, Muskogee, and Broken
Arrow for the month of June and early July.
RUSO Board Meeting Schedule 2022
President Turner updated the group on changes to the RUSO Board Meeting schedule.
The group took a break and then continued with COVID Cabinet.
-Fall Opening Meeting – Tuesday, August 17 – 8:30/Refreshments & 9:00/Program - CPA
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
Notes submitted by Robin Hutchins