Cabinet Meeting Notes, August 30, 2022
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
9:00 a.m.
Members in Attendance: Steve Turner, Debbie Landry, Jerrid Freeman, Dan Mabery, and Christy Landsaw
Members Absent:
The meeting began at 9:00 a.m.
President Turner welcomed the group
Blackboard (eLearning Strategy) Statement of Work
Provost Landry invited Pam Fly to provide an update to the Blackboard renewal work
that is happening. The eLearning Strategy program that has been developed provides
funding for various activities that could have immediate, current and long-term ideas.
Dr. Fly will continue to work on uses for the funding that NSU is receiving. Cabinet
approved moving forward with this initiative and use of funds.
Enrollment Update
Provost Landry and VP Freeman reported that final numbers for both HC and CH ended
up being down as well as graduate enrollment. Concurrent enrollment remained up.
Ad Astra Update
Provost Landry updated the group on staff changes and coverages for room scheduling
ACT Info
VP Freeman reported how information from the ACT is reported and that it provides
details on the 5 major schools that students are looking at as well as degree aspirations.
Efforts will be made to use it to see why students do not end up coming to NSU.
BA Continued Conversations on Staffing Needs
VP Freeman and Provost Landry reported work that has been done on administrative staffing
needs at the BA campus. They will provide an updated review copy of the job description
at the next meeting.
Academic Building Scheduling for Conference Rooms, etc.
This item was covered by the Ad Astra Update with Provost Landry (see above)
Website Design GO-Live
VP Mabery informed group that the new design of the website is scheduled to go live
on Thursday. There is a slight chance of some disruptions but should be minimal.
He also updated the group on the ongoing work on the website.
Veterans Salute Event – November 10th
VP Mabery updated the group on preparations that are ongoing to finalize details of
the Veterans Salute Event that NSU is partnering with NEO Health to provide. It will
be free and will be available.
Project Updates
VP Landsaw reported that the Leoser project is 99% completed, Baseball/Softball lights
project is ongoing with transformers hopefully coming earlier than expected. The
Dome is almost complete and they are wrapping up Wilson with a few minor items left
to finish. She reported that the B&T elevator did not pass inspection and the work
continues to correct issues. The CTS project now has a contractor and work should
begin soon. Progress is being made on the Seminary Hall projects and a third-party
inspector will be helping make sure all work is done correctly.
RUSO Board Items
President Turner reported the September board items that have been submitted for review
or approval. The Board meeting will be held on September 6-7, 2022 in Alva.
Strategic Plan Institutional Priorities
President Turner reviewed that document that had previously been provided by Dr. Keller.
The group discussed the updates that had been made. All approved to proceed.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Notes submitted by Robin Hutchins