Cabinet Meeting Notes April 4, 2023
Cabinet Meeting Agenda
Cabinet Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
9:00 a.m.
Nathan Green
-Circle of Excellence Luncheon: April 26th - 11:00-1:00 - UC Ballroom
-Faculty Council Leadership Elections
Peggy Glenn
-Received Commitments of Over $50,000 for The Emerald Scholarship Ask
-Upcoming lectures:
-Battenfield-Carletti Distinguished Entrepreneur Lecture feat. Traci Phillips of Natural
April 12, 11:00 am, Webb Auditorium (luncheon following the lecture in Webb Tower)
-LP Woods Lecture feat. Jim Coykendall, “How Big is BIG?”, April 12, 4:00 pm, SCI
(reception at 3:30 pm in SCI LL057)
-Green & White Society Employee Giving Campaign
John Sisemore
-Spring Sports Updates
Chelbie Turtle (Bradon Bean)
-Dr. Tiffany Maher Legacy Award & Top 10 RiverHawks Award Ceremony/Honorees
-April 14, 2023 at 2 pm in Second Century Square
-Extended Academic Advising Hours (collaboration with Julia Carlo and Academic Advising)
-Academic Regalia Loan Program
-NSGA Elections
Sydney Nichols Rice
-Staff Council Updates
Jerrid Freeman (Chris Adney)
-Knox Concert, Event Center, 7-9 pm, April 6th
-Ovations & Honors Award Ceremony, Ballroom, 6:30 pm, April 17th
-Big Event, Second Century Square, 9 am, April 22nd
-Dead Week, April 29th - May 2
-Campus Work Day, 9-11:30 and lunch following, May 12th
-Esports Gaming Lounge Update
Christy Landsaw
-Capital Projects Update
Debbie Landry
-Academic Affairs Updates
Steve Turner
-Legislative Update
-Budget Outlook
Friday, May 5th - 4:00 p.m. - Optometry
6:30 p.m. - COLA
Saturday, May 6th - 9:30 a.m. - GWCSHP
1:30 p.m. - B&T and COE
Monday, May 8th - 6:30 p.m. - All of BA