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Executive Council Meeting Notes Nov. 10, 2020


Tuesday, November 10, 2020
9:30 a.m. - Zoom

Members in Attendance: Steve Turner, Debbie Landry, Jerrid Freeman, Christy Landsaw, Dan
Mabery, Ron Cambiano, Matt Cochran, Peggy Glenn, Camerin James, Renee Cambiano, Red
Members Absent: None

The meeting began at 9:30 a.m.

President Turner welcomed the group and informed them that the PLC Conference is going on

VP Freeman updated the group detailing the recruitment plan. He stated that nothing is normal
during this recruitment year. One half of the high schools are closed or will not allow visitors
due to COVID-19. We are setting up as many virtual events as possible. It is very important to
have great relations with the counselors to get good numbers. He said that they are navigating
this new way of doing things as best they can. At the end of the day, we must have a high touch
program to be successful. Additional avenues to get NSU out there are needed. Recruiters are
reaching out to recruitment firms to obtain assistance so that our efforts are maximized. Dr.
Cambiano stated that the faculty recruitment team tells the NSU story with passion. Peggy
Glenn asked if we are having any campus visits. VP Freeman stated that we are offering tours
during Thanksgiving break. President Turner added that we have talked about making use of

VP Freeman updated the group on numbers of students that have enrolled and those that have
not. He added that a lot of students want to be engaged on campus and have a normal college
experience. Efforts are being made to maintain high touch experiences. Staff are encouraged to
be supportive. It is an important time to keep our efforts high. President Turner informed the
group that in a typica year, he and Penny have approximately 600 students in their home for
dinner. This fall there were four dinners of 50 each. During conversations, student have stated
that they want to be here. They want their academic experiences to be as normal as possible.
Zoom doesn't work for all. During a discussion of our early alert system, Dr. Ron Cambiano
stated that faculty are reaching out more. This may be why alert numbers are down. Dr. Rene
Cambiano discussed the process for the early alert system and stated that faculty feel it is
burdensome. They are working with the Academic Advising Department to help streamline the

Senate Updates
Camerin James informed the group that 32 of 36 Senate seats are filled. The unfilled are
graduate and Optometry positions. Senate meets every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Meetings are
held virtually as well as in person. He welcomed members to join them anytime.

NSGA Events
Camerin James thanked those who attend the Masking of Sequoyah event. President Turner
thanked NSGA for hosting the event with Tribal Studies. He also informed the group that
NSGA conducted a mental health forum with HawkReach. There was a great turnout and that
they plan to continue this program. He added that the next RiverHawk Roundtable will be held
on November 18th at 4:00 p.m. These events are monthly conversations with faculty and are well

Website Migration
VP Mabery informed the group that the migration continues and is making progress. He added
that due to adding a layer of tracking in DNN there have been 5,000 broken links in the "offices";
websites. These have been manually corrected. Staff are working hard to learn so this doesn't
happen in the future. Alias domains will go from 5-22 to be more affective. The goal is to have
most done by Thanksgiving break. We are able to do more with new sites such as creating
virtual pages, quick access to advising, grad, online resources, financial aid, etc. We are working
with Advising and Recruitment to have a great start.

Digital Retargeting/Retention Campaign
VP Mabery updated the group on efforts in this campaign. Every student showing interest within
last year and we are reaching out if they haven't applied. Efforts to reconnect are being made as
well. The same efforts are being made with the Graduate College. Attention is paid with those
that have attended but stopped out. We want to reconnect as quickly as possible.

Newspaper Ads
VP Mabery stated that to help with recruitment and retention we have increased efforts by 54%
in digital papers. We are making sure NSU is out there. We are also working to translate ads into
Spanish to target that population in order to reach parents that are not English speaking. We
want to ensure we can support these groups if they contact us. He asked the group if they have
anything that may be useful to get it to him so that it will get out.

Videos Highlighting Branch Campuses and Colleges
VP Mabery updated the group on videos in the works that will highlight the branch campuses.
Each video will be 15-30 seconds and will be put out on social media outlets. He added that we
are also streaming television sights as usage is up more than 60% since COVID-19.

Equal Opportunity Today Magazine
VP Mabery informed the group that NSU will be highlighted with Cherokee Nation. Our video
"Lighting the Lamp of Learning"; will be featured.

FY20 Audit
VP Landsaw informed the group that the fieldwork of the audit has been finalized and we have
received the draft copy. We had no findings. She praised all efforts and stated that "we did

Capital Projects Update
VP Landsaw updated the group on the status of ongoing projects. All projects are progressing
Tennis Restrooms - almost finished - completed by December
Alumni Phase II - windows next week - completed by December
Muskogee Lighting - working with engineers. Poles will match concrete structure but may have
to be rebuilt.
Synar Roof - 90% complete with the design - bid release in December
Library Sidewalk - design next week
Library - warranty work on roof leak - gravel complete
Jack Dobbins - guardrail work - design work to paint ceiling and floor. Low bidder selected to
be completed by late December or just after the semester.
Green House - working with Science & Health to move storage - work will begin this week
CBT Elevator - will be fixed as soon as possible
Wilson Hall - bid open - Nov 19th - all excited to see who is awarded and the vendors are excited
to work on this building.
Seminary Hall - work will continue through Thanksgiving break. Looking at deck work on
second floor to make sure it is compatible. Working with State on flood issues to work out
Fine Arts - exchanged unit - repairs to roof curb leak
Event Center - install complete
Science Building - waiting on pricing

VP Landsaw added that new lights have been ordered for decorating Seminary Hall for the
historic Seminary Lights On event. The new lights will be in ad installed in time for the event in
early December.

She added that COVID funds will be utilized for sanitation company to come in to completely
sanitize academic areas between semesters. Chief Bell asked if some funds could be used to
restock PPE supplies. President Turner stated that Cabinet decided the priority is to sanitize all
three campuses.

Faculty Council Update
Dr. Renee Cambiano updated the group on efforts on Faculty Council on retention conversations.
Faculty are reaching out to students more. Outcomes are encouraging. They are leaving their
zoom on which helps students just jump in. Conversations about the new building lock
system...they have concerns. Some will be attending the state faculty council meeting. Zoom
option has increased attention. Staff are joining as well.
NSUOCO Campaign - Building Excellence: A Vision for the Future

Peggy Glenn informed the group of the new building campaign underway for Optometry. Efforts
are underway to determine the site and to raise funding. VP Mabery stated that press releases are
being developed. New paper ads will raise awareness. President Turner added that it will be an
110,000 sq. ft building and gave a breakdown of the different areas that will make up the

NSU Alumni Association Honoree Interviews
Peggy gave information on interviews underway for honorees for 2020.

FANFund Competition Winning Project
Peggy updated the group on the competition that has been completed. There were a lot of
variations of entries. The project selected was a Softball pitching machine. Students are working
now to raise the funds to fund the project.
NSU Young Alumni Adulting 101 Webinar on November 19th, 6:00 p.m.
Peggy informed the group of the next Adulting webinar scheduled.
NSU Alumni Association Cyber Monday Membership Sale
Peggy told the group that Alumni memberships are down about 250 members in the last year.
Efforts are being made to increase numbers.

Year-End Letters Going Out This Week
Peggy stated that the Foundation will be sending out end-of-the year letters to donors this week.
Zombie Run Updates
Red Walker informed the group of the latest effort to raise scholarship funds for full-time staff
who are taking courses. This year's event was held virtually which made it different. Flexibility
made it easier by the in-person version was greatly missed.

Staff Council Updates
Red Walker stated that their group wants their meetings to be more open. They have updated
their website. He invited everyone to join the meetings. He also stated the officers and that they
are reviewing the bylaws.

Economic Development/Business Partnership Update
Dr. Ron Cambiano informed the group on efforts to continue planning this year's event. It will
be held, but each institution will create a video showcasing their business partnership.
NCAA & MIAA Updates
Matt Cochran updated the group on NCAA and MIAA decisions regarding sports during the
NCAA - Eligibility - all athletes will not use this year's eligibility. They will get it back. This is
a great thing.
MIAA - No fall sports competition. Basketball will start season November 19th. Centers will be
limited to 25% capacity. NSU will allow 300 tickets each game. Some schools are not allowing
opponents visitor tickets. NSU will! More information will be coming out soon.
He also updated the group on events just completed or being worked on. Trunk or Treat - very
successful event. Constant flow of cars driving through. 1,300 bags of candy were given out. He
thanked TTCU for their support. This event has great potential to grow by adding other
organizations/ colleges/departments on campus. Toys for Tots - working with local group to host
a collection drive during basketball games. He added that there will be guests presenting on
sexual/physical violence prevention today. The focus is to protect and help people.

Spring Enrollment Update
Provost Landry stated that spring enrollment "nudges" are happening now. Post card campaigns
are underway. Will be going out to homes to encourage current students to get enrolled.
Beginning to receive "non-enrolled" lists now. Efforts will begin on connecting with students.

Provost Landry informed the group that Commencement will be capped at 140 for each event.
There will be five total events. Two on Friday and three on Saturday. Masks will be required.
Students will have their diploma covers-they will not be handed to them during the ceremony.
No after ceremony groups will be allowed to hang out. There will only be one name caller. The
set up will be different. Photo on stage will be allowed with glass to separate.

Veterans Event
Provost Landry stated that our event will be on TV stations. It will be held in the basement of
the UC and will begin at 1:30 p.m.
Final Webinar for Supply and Logistics Conference Nov. 19th with Jeff Mancini, Owner of
Premier Logistics
Provost Landry noted the final webinar and the date for the group’s calendars.

FY22 State Regents Budget
President Turner gave a budget update to the group. He provided a history of events along the
way. 88.8 million new monies requested. He gave a breakdown of the areas and amounts of
distribution. The Governor requested to close and not fund backlog. He is not optimistic on new
money being received. His thought is that we will be flat. To be flat, NSU would start 3.3
million behind - due to COVID $ this year. Renee Cambiano asked what % our enrollment
would have to be. President Turner said we would need an 8% increase in Credit Hour if tuition
and fees are held flat. He assured the group that even with our situation, the university rolling out
a stipend.

COVID-19 Update
President Turner provided a COVID update. Our three campuses have done surprisingly done
well. Latest numbers are - 9 students and 3 employees. Due to Halloween social gatherings,
there was an uptick in cases. He stated that we need to continue to be diligent. The state has seen
and increase of 6,700. Tahlequah is at a 38 increase. NSU is doing great...our numbers are
good. Out intent would be to keep numbers the same after Thanksgiving. We have no serious
concerns at this point.

-Veterans Monument/Plaza Event – Wednesday, November 11th – 1:30 p.m. – UC
Basement/Veteran Students Lounge Area

The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m.
Notes submitted by Robin Hutchins