Executive Council Meeting Notes November 18, 2014
Executive Council Meeting Notes November 18, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
9:30 a.m.
President Turner began the meeting at 9:30 a.m. by welcoming the group.
Members present were: Dr. Steve Turner, Dr. Mark Arant, Mr. David Koehn, Mr. Ben Hardcastle, Dr. Laura Boren, Ms. Patti Buhl, Mr. Tony Duckworth, Ms. Peggy Glenn, Ms. Monica Barnett, Ms. Taylor Melone, Dr. Ron Cambiano, and Dr. Cheryl Van Den Handle.
Members absent were: None
Enrollment Update: Dr. Laura Boren reported that enrollment numbers are looking good at this point. She stated that the number of admissions for spring 2015 is up by 29% as compared to this same time last spring. She also reported that currently we are up 60 more at this point for fall 2015 as compared to fall 2014 for first-time freshmen and 31 for all applications including completed and pending. Credit hour numbers for spring 2015 enrollment are at 52,195 with 58.9% of the freshman cohort group enrolled. Historically we have 89% enrolled by the end of the current semester. She reported that advisors are reaching out as well as the Student Success Center in an effort to get all current students enrolled prior to the end of the semester. Dr. Freeman is also meeting with college deans on specific recruitment plans. She reported that the recent RiverHawk Rally was a huge success with 650 registered to attend.
Department Moves Update: Dr. Laura Boren announced that the University Advising Center, Career Services, and the Registrars offices will move into their new locations within the CASE Building soon.
NSGA Update: Taylor Melone updated the group on activities of NSGA. She reported that Brittany Burris has been appointed to the recently vacated Vice President position. They are also forming a campaign to boost morale and advise students of the affects of Cyber Bullying that has been ongoing on the anonymous posting site called Yik Yak. Taylor also reported that NSU will be the host site of the 2015 Spring Congress. It will be held on the Tahlequah campus on March 6th & 7th, 2015 and hundreds of campus leaders will be invited to attend. President Turner commended the group on their efforts to bring this event to NSU. Taylor also invited members of the Council to attend and/or speak at a Student Senate session any Wednesday this semester. The meetings begin at 5:00 p.m. Taylor reported work being done regarding a campus wide campaign on texting while driving.
Athletics Update: Mr. Tony Duckworth reported the success of the Men's Soccer team and winning their conference. He informed the group on the next level of competition which will advance to the Final Four. He provided information regarding the tournament bracket and how schools bid to be the Host site. Games begin this Friday with one at 4:00 p.m. and NSU playing at 7:00 p.m. He also reported that NSU did not receive the Diversity and Inclusion Award this year but was proud of the efforts that lead to the nomination. Mr. Duckworth reported that Coach Rob Czlonka was recently named MIAA Coach of the Year. He also informed the group of the huge success during the GAC Basketball Tournament this past weekend.
Athletics Concussions: Mr. Duckworth handed out a document that explained issues over the past 3 years regarding athletes receiving concussions and the protocols on handling these injuries. NCAA is providing funding for research on the effects these types of injuries and the impacts they have on learning abilities.
Commencement Speakers: President Turner reported that the speakers for the fall 2014 Commencement will be Dr. Bill Pierce, Distinguished Alumnus and Ms. Sarah Vann, Outstanding Young Alumnus for 2014. Dr. Pierce, 1976 NSU graduate, will speak at the 9:30 a.m. ceremony and Ms. Vann, 2001 NSU graduate will speak during the 1:30 p.m. ceremony.
Spring 2015 Opening Meeting Needs Discussion: President Turner began discussions regarding needs for development of a spring meeting. Members were asked to think about possible topics that might be included and to report back at the next meeting. A date will be determined if it is decided to hold the meeting.
Staff Development Day: President Turner reported Cabinet's decision to move the Staff Development Day activities to the spring semester. A committee was approved and the group will begin work towards developing a plan of action. A date and time will be determined and announced as plans are finalized.
Faculty Collaboration Day: Dr. Arant announced that work has begun on the events to be held in early January 2015. More on this topic as the event is developed.
Strategic Plan Update: President Turner reminded the group that final edits were due Monday and members are to come prepared to vote next Tuesday during the Cabinet meeting on approving the final document/s. He reported that Cherokee Nation has vetted our current heritage statement as written and they were very complimentary of being included in this important effort. Mr. Hardcastle reported rollout plans when approved.
Spring Talon Charge Changes: Mr. Koehn reported to Cabinet members plans to make changes to the current Talon Charge limits. The group discussed the needs of the students and the decision was made to review further. President Turner stated that there should not be a negative impact for students.
Revised Student Fee Proposal: Mr. Koehn reported to the group on work being done to update certain student fees that would allow for ease of budgeting of the funding produced. The group discussed the projected outcomes and moved to continue with the proposal of the changes.
President Turner reminded the group of the upcoming holiday schedules including Thanksgiving with campuses closed November 26-28 and Winter Break beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 through Friday, January 2, 2015.
Mr. Duckworth announced the date for the Athletics Annual Trivia Night will be Saturday, January 31, 2015. Information will be made available when plans are final.
Dr. Van Den Handel reported that the first Delicious Dialog event did not have many participants. Plans will include a rotation of days in the spring. It is hoped that this will allow for more participation of faculty.
Monica Barnett reported that Staff Council will meet today at 2:00 p.m. in Webb 614 and will be ITV'd to BA and Muskogee.
Peggy Glenn reported that they are planning for J.F. Smith Group to present the 214 page report on the feasibility study to President Turner in the near future.
Dr. Ron Cambiano commented on the focus of the Emerald Ball and how it focused on
student scholarships. He commended the work of the committee on the event's success.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Hutchins