Color Palettes
Visual Identity | Color Palettes
Anything representing the university should be branded. This applies to any collateral — be it a lapel button or billboard — intended for public consumption, display or internal distribution. If its purpose is to represent the university, then it must bear the NSU brand. Not only does this support the brand and message of NSU, but it is the most efficient use of the university’s branding dollar. The three seminal components of the university brand are the university’s color palette, font families, and logos.
Primary Colors
Color plays an important role in keeping all materials consistently recognizable. Our two primary colors are NSU Green and NSU Gray.
Colors can be reproduced in spot color (Pantone), in full color (CMYK) or on screen (RGB or hexadecimal).
NSU Green
Pantone: 341C
CMYK: 100, 0, 67, 29
RGB: 0, 130, 101
HEX: #008265
NSU Gray
Pantone: 439C
CMYK: 80, 73, 100, 20
RGB: 74, 74, 48
HEX: #4a4a30
Complimentary Colors
These colors serve to refresh the brand, visually augment the institution’s graphic design and graphically represent the natural beauty that is northeastern Oklahoma.
NOTE: These complementary colors are to be used to accent the primary color palette. They should not overshadow NSU green in a design.
Colors can be reproduced in spot color (Pantone), in full color (CMYK) or on screen (RGB or hexadecimal).
NSU Yellow
Pantone: 116C
CMYK: 0, 18, 100, 0
RGB: 255, 207, 1
NSU Light Green
Pantone: 375C
CMYK: 46, 0, 100, 0
RGB: 151, 202, 61
HEX: #97CA3D
NSU Blue
Pantone: 305C
CMYK: 57, 0, 6, 0
RGB: 88, 201, 232
HEX: #58C9E8
Athletics, Spirit & Mascot
NSU Green, NSU Spirit Silver and black serve as colors for our Athletics, Spirit and Mascot marks. There is also an option to print the logos using the metallic Pantone 877 instead of 422.
Colors can be reproduced in spot color (Pantone), in full color (CMYK) or on screen (RGB or hexadecimal).
Athletics, Spirit & Mascot Colors
NSU Green
Pantone: 341C
CMYK: 100, 0, 67, 29
RGB: 0, 130, 101
HEX: #008265
Pantone: Black
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100
RGB: 0, 0, 0
HEX: #000000
NSU Spirit Silver
Pantone: 422C
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 33
RGB: 182, 184, 186
NSU Spirit Silver (Metallic)
Pantone: 877C