Graphic Standards
Branding is a tool to advance the university's communications and marketing goals. The Communications & Marketing office coordinates the development of materials and messages that portray the distinctive values and qualities of our educational, research and service mission.
This manual provides guidelines to help ensure consistent application of the NSU brand. Projecting a unified visual identity involves more than simply creating and implementing a logo. Graphic standards provide a sound, flexible structure for using logos, color, and typography a graphic vocabulary unique to our university. By consistently following these graphic standards, our visual identity will become established and recognized. Failure to properly use these elements reduces our ability to communicate with the school's many audiences, and diminishes the brand's value.
Call our office at 918-444-2880 if you need additional assistance
Logo Requests
Only NSU staff, faculty and authorized student organizations may use the approved logos. Students are not permitted to use the NSU logo on materials with an outside audience without prior permission from Communications & Marketing.