Gather Here. Go Far

NSU is where success begins. Here professors know their subjects and how to get you ready for a career after you graduate. We empower individuals to become socially responsible global citizens by creating and sustaining a culture of learning and discovery.

Gather Here. Go Far

NSU is where success begins. Here professors know their subjects and how to get you ready for a career after you graduate. We empower individuals to become socially responsible global citizens by creating and sustaining a culture of learning and discovery.

Gather Here. Go Far

NSU is where success begins. Here professors know their subjects and how to get you ready for a career after you graduate. We empower individuals to become socially responsible global citizens by creating and sustaining a culture of learning and discovery.

Gather Here. Go Far

NSU is where success begins. Here professors know their subjects and how to get you ready for a career after you graduate. We empower individuals to become socially responsible global citizens by creating and sustaining a culture of learning and discovery.

Gather Here. Go Far

NSU is where success begins. Here professors know their subjects and how to get you ready for a career after you graduate. We empower individuals to become socially responsible global citizens by creating and sustaining a culture of learning and discovery.

Recruiter Business Card Order

recruiter businesss card

*Note: This business card style is not considered ‘standard’ and are therefore not covered by the Communications & Marketing Department. Printing costs will be the responsibility of the requester.

Any NSU employee that holds a position in the admissions and recruitment department or has a primary role of recruiter are to be given the option of using the recruiter business card template. EXAMPLE: The Assistant Director of Enrollment Management title has a variety of roles within the BA campus structure. Recruiting transfer students is one of the roles of this position. As a result, this qualifies them to use this style of business card.

Please fill out the form below with your information. Once you have submitted, C&M will contact you (and any other persons you choose to receive proofs) via our stationery email,, with a proof of the cards for review. You will then have the opportunity to reply with edits or changes to the designer. Once you are satisfied with the card and have given your approval, the designer will prepare a print ready file and send to J.D. Young Copy Zone for printing. The designer will share with Copy Zone the requested quantity and the appointed contact(s) for billing and pick up. Persons involved in the proofing process will be cc’d on the email when they go to print. When the card order is complete, Copy Zone will notify the designated individuals. 

Enter the first name of the card holder with correct capitalization.
Enter the last name of the card holder with correct capitalization.
Type your degree(s) separated by a comma and with the appropriate punctuation. Example: M.Ed., B.S., Ph.D.
Enter the card holder’s job title.
type in the department. Example: Communications & Marketing
Enter the card holder’s main phone number. Indicate as landline or cell, as this categorization will be shown on the cards. Use periods to separate the numbers. Example: 918.444.2880
Enter the card holder’s secondary phone number if applicable. Indicate as landline or cell, as this categorization will be shown on the cards. Use periods to separate the numbers. Example: 918.444.2880
Enter the card holder’s fax number if applicable. Use periods to separate the numbers. Example: 918.458.2258
type the address using the styling shown here. Example: 600 N. Grand Ave.
Use the drop down menu to select the card holder’s campus.
Enter the card holder’s email address.
Choose your quantity.
Other (If Other was selected for the quantity of cards requested, please enter the number of cards you are requesting below.)
Please list the contact information of all persons who will need to approve proofs. Include also the contact information C&M should give Copy Zone to use when printing is complete. List: Name, Phone # and Campus Address.
Do you have any notes or questions for the designer in regards to your card? (Optional)
I am aware that due to budget constraints, C&M will pay for only one-half box (250) of 'standard' business cards per fiscal year. *Note: This business card style is not considered ‘standard’ and are therefore not covered by the Communications & Marketing Department. Printing cost(s) will be the responsibility of the requester. If you have concerns, please contact Dan Mabery.
I've checked my information for accuracy.