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Residence Handbook: Residence Life Information

Residence Life Information

Residence Life Information

All new freshman students, under 21, are required to reside in on-campus housing their freshman year (unless they have accumulated 30 credit hours). All exceptions must be granted by the Director of University Housing or his/her designee (requests should be made before classes begin). This requirement is founded on the belief that living on campus provides students with the educational and social groundwork necessary for continued personal and academic success. You must be currently enrolled at NSU to be eligible to live in residential facilities. For fall and spring semesters a student must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) hours, three (3) for Intersession/Summer Session. If a student drops below the required credit hours, they must apply in writing to the Director of Housing at his/her designee, for permission to remain in residency. All provisions, rules, regulations and policies in the Residence Life Handbook are considered part of the housing contract and are binding on all parties. Copies of these publications are available to any resident on the Housing website.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act was enacted in 1990 to protect the rights of persons with disabilities. University Housing has several residential facilities that are ADA compliant to help students with disabilities. It is the student's responsibility to request assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) through the Office of Student Affairs prior to enrollment or at the start of each new semester. Students must meet the federal requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) for a qualified disability, which defines a disability as the following: A cognitive, physical, or emotional impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as working or learning. Any student requesting accommodation must submit a written request to University Housing and the Office of Student Affairs. Students must also be able to provide valid documentation from an appropriate expert, professional or agency that:

  1. States the disability(ies) and methods used to arrive at a diagnosis.
  2. Describes the diagnostic criteria and/or instruments used.
  3. And in the case of a learning disability ADD, or ADHD, is reasonably current and describes the current functional limitations.

Availability of Assistance & Educational Programs

Since drug and alcohol abuse constitute a major problem in today's society, University Housing and Northeastern State University will make special efforts to both educate and assist students concerning both areas. The following is a summary of the programs available:

  • Alcohol Awareness and BASICS Coordinator Can provide information on alcohol awareness and the dangers alcohol may cause.
  • Counselor In Residence- Can provide advice and referral for counseling.
  • Student Health Center - Can provide counseling and referral to appropriate on-campus and off-campus agencies which includes medical treatment.
  • Violence Prevention Coordinator Can provide assistance regarding dating, relationship and other types of violence response and coping.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 20 USC S. 1232g was enacted in 1974 to protect the privacy of a student's educational records. FERPA, which has also been referred to as the Buckley Amendment, was most recently revised in the Fall of 2000. University Housing would like to notify you of the following specific rights you have under FERPA:

  1. The right to inspect and review a student's education records;
  2. The right to amend inaccurate or misleading information;
  3. The right to consent or not to disclosure of personally identifiable information; and
  4. The right to file a complaint against an educational institution.

The procedure for requesting, amending, or filing information related to educational records is available through the Student Affairs, Student Financial Services, Business Affairs, and Admissions & Records offices. Please note that the University also has certain rights and legal responsibilities under FERPA. These include: the ability to disclose or access records for audits, evaluations, or to enforce or comply with legal reporting requirements to federal or state agencies; the responsibility to disclose personally identifiable information to appropriate parties to protect the health and safety of the student or community; the ability to disclose student directory information if you have been notified that certain types of information provided to the public, and the disclosure of records in connection with criminal disciplinary procedures.

There is a copy of the pertinent provisions of FERPA that is available at your request through the Student Affairs office. Students are allowed one free copy of this material. If you would like to review the law regarding your privacy rights in its entirety, it is recommended you consult the U.S. Department of Education web site. If you have questions or concerns regarding this information, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at 918-444-2120.

Disclosure of Educational Records

Northeastern State University will disclose information from a student's education records only with the written consent of the student, with the following exceptions as defined in FERPA, as amended, which waive prior student consent:

  1. School officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records.
  2. Officials of schools to which the student seeks to transfer.
  3. The Comptroller General of the United States, the HEW Secretary, the administrative head of an educational agency, or State educational authorities.
  4. In connection with a student's application for, or receipt of, financial aid.
  5. To State or local officials or authorities if specifically required by a State law that was adopted before November 17, 1974.
  6. To organizations or educational agencies conducting legitimate research, provided no personally identifiable information about the student is made public.
  7. Accrediting organizations.
  8. Parents of a dependent student upon proof of dependency as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
  9. To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, provided that the educational agency or institution makes a reasonable effort to notify the student of the order or subpoena in advance of compliance.
  10. To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency.
  11. The results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by University Housing against an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence to the alleged victim of that crime.
  12. This information shall only be transferred to a third party, however, on the condition that such party will not permit any other party to have access to the information without the written consent of the student.

Access to Educational Records

In accordance with FERPA, as amended, eligible students are entitled to access official educational records directly related to the student, including the right of inspection and review. Students should contact the appropriate records custodian for more information. A list of the types, location, and custodians of educational records is included below.

Correction of Educational Records

Students have the right to ask to have records corrected that they believe are inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their privacy rights. Contact each department for more information:

Admissions and Academic Records - Center for Admissions and Student Enrollment (CASE) Building - 2nd Floor Registrar
Health Records- Student Health Center - University Nurse
Financial and Business Records - CASE Building 2nd Floor - Director, Business Affairs
Career Records - Career Services - CASE Building Upper Level - Director of Career Services
University Disciplinary Records - Student Affairs - Admin 204 Dean, Student Affairs
Housing & Housing Disciplinary Records - Housing Office Leoser Center - Director of Housing

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy

The following policy statement has been developed to ensure compliance with both the Drug-Free Work Place Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 . Northeastern State University recognizes that it is in the best interest of the University, its employees and its students, to promote a healthy and productive environment, to provide education and assistance, relative to the dangers involved in the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol. This responsibility demands implementation of programs and services which facilitate that effort.

  • The University policy strictly prohibits the illegal use, possession, manufacture, dispensing, and distribution of illegal drugs, controlled substances, 3.2 beer or alcoholic beverages in the work place, or its premises, University housing, or as a part of any University-sponsored activity.

  • All students and employees must abide by this policy as a condition of enrollment or employment. Continuance of employment or enrollment following receipt of this policy constitutes acceptance of this policy by the employee or student.

  • Sanctions for violation of this policy include, but are not limited to: expulsion, termination of employment, referral for prosecution and/or completion, at the individual's expense, of an appropriate rehabilitation program. Any disciplinary action shall be taken in accordance with applicable policies of Northeastern State University.

  • It should be noted by employees that they are also subject to the University's Drug-Free Work Place Policy. Employees are referred to that policy for additional sanctions. It is also within the discretion of the University to refer any violations to the appropriate authorities for criminal prosecution.

Fitness Center/Intramural Sports

The Fitness Center is designed to provide NSU students, faculty and staff with opportunities for recreation and fitness. Facilities include a gymnasium, weight room, two racquetball courts, lockers, showers, dressing and restroom facilities, a games lounge area, Olympic size swimming pool, outdoor sun deck, volleyball, and beach volleyball facilities. The weight room includes Stairmaster, Nautilus and other exercise equipment. Activities include aerobics, water aerobics and intramurals. Residential students get a free membership to the Fitness Center. Call ext. 3980 for more information.

Getting Involved

Campus-wide activities are very much a part of your total college investment and experience. Whether it is through attendance or actual involvement in the planning and presenting of these activities, your participation is the key to success for all campus activities.

Internet Black Boxes

Each room is equipped with a University provided internet black box. If you have a black box that is faulty or broken, contact the service desk in the first floor of the Webb building to exchange for a working unit (bring the malfunctioning black box with you). If your room does not have a black box, contact your RA to submit a work request for a replacement. If you damage the black box, contact your RA to request a new one. Housing will have to purchase the unit and the responsible student will be charged $30 for the replacement.

Mail Services

Each room has a mailbox which is located in the desk area of each hall. Your room key will open the mail box assigned to your room (mailbox key if Seminary/Wyly/Haskell resident). Since you share your mailbox with your roommate, please be considerate in handling each other's mail (Seminary Suite residents have individual mail boxes). Mail is posted in the hall every afternoon, Monday through Friday. There is no mail service on Saturday, Sunday, or during holiday breaks. Mail service for the residence halls is provided and delivered by the Drop Zone. A lost mailbox key will result in a $50 charge. You will be receiving important mail periodically from Housing and other offices on campus. It is your responsibility to check your mailbox on a regular basis. If you receive a package, a notice will be emailed to your NSU account. To pick up a package, take your student ID to The Drop Zone in the basement of the University Center. You must show your ID to pick up packages, certified mail, etc. The Drop Zone also offers FAX, stamps, envelopes and full UPS service. For questions or concerns about your mail contact The Drop Zone at Ext. 2610.


University Housing handles all repairs to residential facilities and rooms. If you have a maintenance problem you may, 1) fill out a maintenance request from the Housing website, or 2) contact your RA, Associate Hall Manager, Hall Manager, or Housing Office.

Official Communication

NSU faculty, administrators and staff will communicate both by individual student and campus-wide information via the student's NSU email account. It is the responsibility of each student to check their university email on a daily basis and respond in a timely manner (when required). The University cannot be responsible for information a student failed to obtain via NSU email.

Parking & Traffic

All vehicles parked on campus are required to be registered with the Office of Parking and Traffic. It is important that you purchase your parking decal before the first day of classes. Students living on campus have specially designated parking areas; look for the orange residence hall parking signs. Parking and Traffic is located in the basement of the UC. Contact them at ext. 2444 if you have any questions.

Residence Halls Association

Residence Halls Association (RHA) is comprised of residents from all residential facilities. RHA works closely with University Housing to plan events, parties, and programs for the entire on-campus community. RHA also works on services and projects that are related to residential living. RHA is the on-campus student government which makes recommendations to Housing and Food Services. RHA is supervised by an Executive Board. The Executive Board is elected for a one-year term. The Executive Board is comprised of President, Vice President/National Communications Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, Student Senate Representative, and Public Relations Officer. RHA attends national, regional, and state conferences. RHA can be one of the best ways to get involved on campus and all residence life students are encouraged to become involved. Stop by the RHA office in Leoser Center or call Ext. 4707 for further information.

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center is located east of Wyly Hall. All medical records and treatments are confidential. You are not charged for the physician's services. All currently enrolled students are eligible to use the Health Center. The school nurse is available to provide minor medical care for most common illnesses. Severe illnesses and injuries are transferred to a physician's office or the emergency room at Tahlequah City Hospital. There are no pharmacy or x-ray services, but limited lab tests are available. The Health Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. If medical attention is required when the center is closed, contact a Hall Manager, Associate Hall Manager, or Resident Assistant. To contact the Health Center, call ext. 2126.

Student Holds

University Housing reserves the right to place a hold on your NSU student account including but not limited to the following circumstances:

  1. Outstanding balance
  2. Abandoned room
  3. Failure to turn in keys upon check out
  4. Disciplinary action
  5. Failure to provide documentation requested for determination of residence status


Telephone service is only available to Seminary Suites residents. Each Suite is equipped with the Voice-over IP phone system, which includes a hardline IP-compatible phone. NSU long-distance service offers discounted rates for long-distance calls. Questions regarding telephone service should be addressed to Telecommunications at Ext. 5678. NSU's telephone service offers free voice mail. Voice mail service is automatically activated at the beginning of the semester. Voice mail can be accessed by dialing 88#, then follow the instructions of the operator. Passwords will be the room's extension number unless changed within voice mail set up. Questions regarding voice mail should be addressed to Telecommunications at Ext. 5678. Offensive answering messages are reported to Telecommunications and can result in loss of voice mail privileges.

Unpaid Student Accounts

Unpaid student accounts, including checks returned to the university by the bank, are considered to be in violation of university regulations as set forth by the Board of Regents and therefore become disciplinary matters. A hold will be placed on future enrollments until such violations are corrected. A $25 service charge will be added.

Vending & Copy Machines

Soda and snack machines are available in all residential facilities and most other locations on campus. Copy machines are available in the library, the bookstore, and the University Center basement. If you experience a problem with one of the vending units, contact the Business Affairs Office in the Administration building. You may call ext. 2878 to report a problem.