ACT Services for Scores 24-27
ACT Score Range 24-27
Students who score in the range 24-27 are likely to know and to be able to do:
Students can identify the focus of a simple essay, applying that knowledge to each paragraph's function and determining if an essay has met a specified goal. They are able to add a sentence to introduce or summarize the essay, accomplish a fairly straightforward and limited purpose, and provide a transition between paragraphs when the essay is fairly straightforward. They can delete a sentence that disturbs the development of the paragraph and a phrase that disrupts the flow of the sentence. They can use conjunctive adverbs or phrases to create subtle logical connections between sentences and can rearrange the sentences in a fairly uncomplicated paragraph. They can identify and correct pronouns that have vague referents and sophisticated-sounding language that is inconsistent with the style and tone of the essay. Students are able to revise to avoid faulty placement of phrases and coordination and subordination of clauses in sentences with subtle structural problems. They can maintain consistent verb tense and pronoun person in compound sentences or between sentences. They form present perfect verbs by using have rather than of. They ensure that a pronoun agrees with its antecedent when the two occur in separate clauses or sentences. They use punctuation to set off complex parenthetical or adverbial phrases and delete unnecessary commas while recognizing inappropriate uses of colons and semicolons. They know how to use apostrophes to indicate simple possessive nouns.
Students can exhibit a sound understanding of the important features of more challenging literary narratives and informational passages. They can infer the main idea of some paragraphs in more challenging passages, and they can discern which details, though they may appear in different sections throughout a passage, support important points in more challenging passages. They have a sound grasp of relationships between characters and ideas and can identify subtly stated cause-effect relationships in uncomplicated literary narratives and informational passages. They can use context clues to determine the appropriate meaning of multiple-meaning words in uncomplicated passages, and can order sequences of events in uncomplicated passages. They are expanding their use of reasoning skills; making generalizations about characters and situations from explicit language and summarizing basic events and ideas in more challenging passages.
Students can solve multi-step arithmetic problems that involve planning or converting units of measure (e.g., feet per second to miles per hour) and work problems involving positive integer exponents, ordering fractions, and numerical factors. In probability, statistics, and data analysis, these students can manipulate data; use Venn diagrams in counting; and compute straightforward probabilities for common situations. In algebra, they can work with square and cube roots; determine when an expression is undefined; square numbers and expressions; factor simple quadratics (e.g., the difference of squares and perfect square trinomials); identify zeros or roots of simple quadratic equations; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials; write expressions or equations with a single variable for common pre algebra settings (e.g. rate and distance problems and problems that can be solved by using proportions); solve real-world problems using first-degree equations; and solve first-degree inequalities that do not require reversing the inequality sign. In coordinate geometry, they can identify the graph of a linear inequality and find the midpoint of a line segment on the number line; and in the coordinate plane, they can determine the slope of a line from points or equations; match linear graphs with their equations; and find the midpoint of a line segment. In geometry, they can use properties of isosceles triangles; recognize Pythagorean triples; use several angle properties to find an unknown angle measure; compute areas and circumferences of circles after identifying necessary information; compute areas of rectangles and triangles when an additional step is required; and compute the perimeter of simple composite geometric figures with unknown side lengths. Additionally, students (ACT Assessment only) can identify a particular trigonometric ratio when all necessary side lengths of a right triangle are given, as well as exhibit knowledge of the complex number i.
Science Reasoning
Students can select pertinent data from a graph or table with three or more variables and can interpolate between data points in a graph or table. They can identify a simple mathematical relationship between data and can identify a direct or inverse relationship between three or more variables. They understand moderately complex lab procedures and can determine the purpose behind parts of a basic experimental design. They can select a simple hypothesis, statement, prediction, generalization, or conclusion that is supported by a data set. They can identify strengths and weaknesses or similarities and differences in one or more experiments or viewpoints. They can also identify key issues in an argument or viewpoint and determine whether new information supports or weakens a viewpoint or hypothesis.
Used with permission of ACT from "ACT, Information for Life's Transitions, Standards for Transitions: Descriptions of the Skills and Knowledge Associated with PLAN and ACT Assessment Scores", c1998.