New Hire Orientation
Welcome to the Northeastern State University family!
Welcome to Northeastern State University, we are glad you have chosen to be a part of our team!! The below information is discussed in New Hire Orientation and should be reviewed carefully and completed timely. Please contact any member of the Human Resources Team for any questions. Again, WELCOME!!
Employee Handbook
You will find the NSU Employee Handbook below. It is recommended that you review this upon accepting employment with the University.
Updated Policies
This is where you will find policies governing employment with the University. It is advised that these routinely reviewed throughout employment with the University.
Employee Benefits
Information on all benefits offered through employment at the University (NOT just health benefits).
The following contact information is for enrolling in benefits at NSU:
Benefits Call Center: 1-888-965-4334
Title IX Information
Please see the link below for the most up to date information regarding Title IX information.
Campus Public Safety
Please see the information in the link below to learn more about Public Safety at the University.
Employee ID
- Tahlequah location is in the University Center-1st floor
- Broken Arrow location is in the Admin building-2nd floor
Parking Permit
Please pick up your parking permit at the designated Campuses as seen below. Display the parking permit on the driver’s side front windshield on the inside lower-left corner.
Tahlequah Campus: Parking Services front window, U C Lower Level
Muskogee Campus: University Police, Administrative Services Building room #145
Broken Arrow Campus: University Police, Business of Technology room #101
Must complete a Vehicle Registration Form for EACH VEHICLE, INCLUDES A FORM FOR THE
Must complete a Faculty/Staff Secondary Acknowledgement Form for EACH SECONDARY VEHICLE.
Faculty/Staff Vehicle Registration Form
You may begin picking up permits three (3) business days after the date of submission.
Visual placement of the current parking permit provides security to the campus community
by showing that there is a legitimate reason for that vehicle to park on campus. Parking
according to your permit type helps to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of
business and to allocate the limited parking spaces available on campus.
- Permits are charged to your Banner Employee Account; Parking Services does not accept payments.
- Parking permits are static cling for transferable ease from the primary vehicle onto your loaner and back.
- Parking permits are displayed on the driver’s side front windshield on the inside lower-left corner.
- Parking permits are valid on all three NSU campuses, Broken Arrow, Muskogee & Tahlequah.
- Faculty/Staff primary parking permit prices are $40.00 (expires Aug. 31st of each year
- Faculty/Staff secondary parking permit prices are $5.00 (expires Aug. 31st of each year) Must complete a Vehicle Registration Form for EACH VEHICLE
- Must complete a Faculty/Staff Secondary Acknowledgement Form for EACH SECONDARY VEHICLE
- Motorcycle parking permit prices are $10.00 (expires Aug. 31st of each year)