Employee Stationery and Business Cards
Employee Stationery Order
Stationery - Letterhead and Envelope Request (PDF)
Download, type, save and submit form(s) to stationery@nsuok.edu.
After your order is received C&M will contact you shortly with a proof for you to approve before the document(s) go to print.
*For student business cards, please visit Career Services or call 918.444.3110
Employee Business Card Orders
For a full explanation of the different cards types, view pages 38 & 39 of NSU's Graphic Standards. Download the NSU Graphic Standards.
Note: Due to budget constraints, C&M will pay for only one-half box (250) of standard business cards per fiscal year. If you have concerns, please contact Dr. Dan Mabery.
Standard Institutional Cards
Communications and Marketing provides 1/2 box (250 cards) per fiscal year to requesters of Standard Institutional designs.
Front & Back
Non-Standard Institutional Designs
Printing costs for all non-standard designs are the responsibility of the requester.
Program/Degree | Single, 2 and 3 campus options